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ARCBOUND #1 by Scott SnyderFrank TieriTom Hardy, Ryan Smallman, Frank William and Buddy Beaudoin (Dark Horse Comics)

Actors and comics is a familiar and growing relationship. In recent years, fans have seen “BRZRKR” & “Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Return” as success stories of this pairing.

At New York Comic Con 2023, word was breaking about another project following in these footsteps. The actor involved is no stranger to the land of comic content. Fans have seen him portray Eddie Brock aka VENOM in 3 successful films.

Paired with an all-star creative team, TOM HARDY’s comic venture has been building to a fever pitch. In November 2024, the wait is finally over.

ARCBOUND #1 by Scott Snyder, Frank Tieri, Tom Hardy, Ryan Smallman and Buddy Beaudoin (Dark Horse Comics) launches a 12-part sci-fi epic story.

Let’s take a closer look to see how things play out!


Paired with writing heavyweights like Snyder and Tieri, Hardy couldn’t walk into a better situation for an opening chapter. Kai comes across as a soldier torn between ethics. On one hand his missions have all been for expanding Zynitec’s mission of acquiring Kronium. It’s countered by the feeling of senseless death and conflict. He is clearly given many layers for fans to fully encompass his issues.


Xander (his younger partner) is sold on a thrill of conflict. The writing reflects his lust for the battle. This theme carries through the majority of the issue. Kai’s internal struggles set off a domino effect of events. None greater than the final pages. At this stage, readers watch as the struggle for what’s right overtakes one of them. This leads to a shocking close. The status quo is ever evolving and for Kai’s future, this leads to new perspectives. It’s a solid building point with many miles to progress forward.

Smallman and William spare no expense detailing the high cost of war. The opening conflict launches readers into action with a near full page spread. Once Warr is introduced, the violence is amplified to new heights. It is not one for the squeamish. His ruthless attacks are blood soaked panels with Beaudoin’s lettering adding to the intense images.

Events calm with Kai’s thought process getting orders. The flashback sequences tease his past while dodging the ever challenges of following orders. Kyra’s interactions add to a more “human” sense in the sci-fi tale. It’s short lived as the back end of the book is nothing but the dark side of war. The art team squeezes in a few shocking moments with extra details added. It leads to a full page shocking panel to end events with. Suffice to say, the art team gave fans a knockout blow before bowing out on the debut chapter.


“Arcbound” brings intense action wrapped around a growing question of humanity. The team of Snyder, Tieri and Hardy delve into a solider’s conflict with fantatsic writing. Smallman, William and Beaudoin craft brutal conflicts with human emotions. It’s a great start for a long journey ahead.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on Arcbound #1. Thanks for reading!


Ken M.
Ken M.
Executive Producer/Host of the ODPH (Ocho Duro Parlay Hour) Podcast. Ken is also Nerd Initiative's Comics Editor-In-Chief/Brand Advisor and host of "Turn A Page". Ken is also a freelance Pro Wrestling Blogger and an all around fan of Sports, Movies Tv, Comics and Pro Wrestling

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