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King Spawn #39 – Now You See Spawn, Now You Don’t


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In a world where Spawn has lost his powers, he still must fight for what he believes. Unfortunately for his enemies’ powers or no powers Spawn is still a badass.

Credit: Image Comics

King Spawn #39

Written By Todd McFarlane – Art By Yildiray Cinar

Colors By Ivan Nunes – Letters By Andworld Design

Edited By Thomas Healy – Published By Image Comics

***Minor Spoilers Possible***

Just When You Thought He Was in Trouble

Al Simmons has lost his Hell Spawn powers, but he must still don the suit as he must stand for what he believes in. The Angelic Forces have sent an assassin to get him. At the same time the cops are closing in on him and his work.

King Spawn is finally tracked down by the assassin and the battle begins. The Angelic assassin gets the upper hand, and it looks like that will be all for Al. However, can you ever really count Spawn down?

The Old Switcharoo

King Spawn is a great story with a great premise. Having a world where Al Simmons has lost his powers, but still fights the good fight is a ballsy move but pays off tremendously. Todd McFarlane has always thought outside of the box, but he’s out done himself with this story in the best way possible.

The art in this book is classic Spawn and there isn’t anything wrong with that. The art department does an amazing job of bringing action and violence to the forefront. Your eyes go panel to panel and each one gets better.

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Final Thoughts

King Spawn #39 gives all the feelings that we equate with a Spawn story. Todd McFarlane and company are slaying it with the Spawn Universe as of late and it looks like there is no end to that in sight. Go pick up King Spawn and the other Spawn Universe books, you won’t be disappointed.

Final Grade: 9.5/10

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Richard Coryell
Richard Coryell
Head of NI Wrestling Host of Wrestling Night Live Host of the 3FN Podcast

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