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Pushed to the brink, the Man of Steel makes a deal with the devil (literally). With Amanda Waller closing in on complete victory, Superman and Zatanna take extreme measures.

Conducting business with NERON can’t end well, right? Nothing is off limits in the quest for Absolute Power!

SUPERMAN #18 by Joshua Williamson, Jamal Campbell and Ariana Maher leads the heroic pair into the Dark Roads! What do they find along the way?

Let’s take a closer look and see what lies ahead!


Williamson throws a unique perspective into an already chaotic scenario. For this crisis, readers see Superman cross a line or the greater win. Making Neron the deciding factor plays well for amping up the drama. Its’ fallout dives into Superman’s will to win no matter the cost.

This complements the efforts of Lois and company to track him down. The actions also feature both heroes opinions on Magic. It is very well known Superman and Magic do not mix. However, for his partner here, that is her world.

Zatanna is written as challenged to find her identity. The dialogue with her and Supes comes off impactful. She lays out her insecurities and challenges Superman about his Magic ethic stance. This leads into a play when the main antagonist appears. Both heroes make a call which leads into a solid finale. The epilogue brings everything back full circle. One door appears to close but the last page says otherwise and then some.


Campbell presents excellent imagery as the pair enters into the dark side of Magic. The depiction of Neron comes off as everything one would expect when dealing with a devil. This leads into a fantastic two page splash as they travel the Dark Roads. Campbell’s attention to details in this massive piece will have readers glued to the pages.

The latter half of the book is fueled by Superman and Zatanna’s conflicting views. Campbell captures their points of view and drives home the feelings from both. It plays into a solid action sequence before resolving their dilemma. The issue is capped off with a soon to be iconic page of Superman and Lois reuniting. It perfectly brings an end to their quest as they head into the monster crossover finale.


There’s sympathy for a hero, but no devil as the struggles hit a definitive stop for Superman in this chapter. Williamson weaves a debate about magic through conflict with his excellent writing. Campbell continues to impress with the high level imagery. This one will have fans excited as the Man of Steel heads back into the fight for Absolute Power!


Ken M.
Ken M.
Executive Producer/Host of the ODPH (Ocho Duro Parlay Hour) Podcast. Ken is also Nerd Initiative's Comics Editor-In-Chief/Brand Advisor and host of "Turn A Page". Ken is also a freelance Pro Wrestling Blogger and an all around fan of Sports, Movies Tv, Comics and Pro Wrestling

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