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Falling in Love on the Path to Hell #4 by Gerry Duggan, Garry Brown, Chris O’Halloran, and Joe Sabino (Image Comics)

Asami and MacRaith. The most unlikely lovers in comics. After both wind up in Purgatory, the Samurai and Cowboy start developing a surprising bond. Mohan is the current ruler of this domain. With an army of savages behind him, the two have to find a way to survive or get swallowed up in the insanity around them.

Falling in Love on the Path to Hell #4 by Gerry Duggan, Garry Brown, Chris O’Halloran, and Joe Sabino picks up after MacRaith found out the punishment for “failing to comply” to Mohan’s orders.

Let’s take a deeper dive into what unfolds now.


Duggan concludes the opening arc on a steady note. MacRaith continues to display many sides to his character. After surviving (due to Asami’s help) the disturbing attack, he becomes more driven to handle Mohan once and for all. Like any good plan in Hell, his scheming fails. This leads into a very unique surprise as MacRaith winds up in a new landscape.

From here, Duggan solidifies what has been building for the opening set. Asami lets her guard down to both MacRaith and the readers. This comes on the heels of seeing some of her demons make their appearance. Pacing builds up the change in direction as the close brings the pair one thing that they’ve been severely lacking: something to believe in.


Brown and O’Halloran gives readers great images as the story leads into new horizons. The backstory of Asami conveys her trauma as she relives a painful memory. MacRaith’s ploy against Mohan is brought to the forefront with no punches pulled. This leads into a fantatsic full page image as things defer from course in a monster way.

A two page splash hits as MacRaith’s journey leads him into a new world. The coloring and brightness lead readers to make their own calls on where things go from here. Once back on the “normal” playing field, A full page splash delivers on what has been climbing since issue one. This all leads to a strong closing page. With Sabino’s lettering popping off, a smaller panel of Asami speaks volumes concludes the arc with many possibilities following.


The love story of Asami and MacRaith heads into its next phase with an excellent closing for the inital arc. Duggan’s writing takes the pair into new and unpredicatible territory. Brown and the art team construct a gritty and sometimes hopeful landscape for love against the odds.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on Falling In Love On The Path To Hell #4. Thanks for reading!


Ken M.
Ken M.
Executive Producer/Host of the ODPH (Ocho Duro Parlay Hour) Podcast. Ken is also Nerd Initiative's Comics Editor-In-Chief/Brand Advisor and host of "Turn A Page". Ken is also a freelance Pro Wrestling Blogger and an all around fan of Sports, Movies Tv, Comics and Pro Wrestling

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