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Destro #4 – Even Death Can’t Hold a Good Mercenary Down


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Rumors of Destro’s demise have been greatly exaggerated. However, his enemies don’t know that and neither do his allies. In this 4th installment of the Destro origin story, we dive further into what makes that chrome dome click.

Credit: Skybound Entertainment/Image Comics

Destro #4

Written By: Dan Watters   Art By: Andrei Bressan

Colors By: Adriano Lucas   Letters By: Rus Wooten

Edited By: Ben Abernathy 

Published By: Skybound Entertainment/Image Comics

***Minor Spoilers Possible***

Destro is Dead

As Destro is believed dead Darklon is now in charge of not only Darklonia, but also the head of M.A.R.S. Tomax & Xamot waste no time in trying to acquire M.A.R.S to merge it with Extensive Enterprises. They even talk their way into getting a peak at what Destro has been working on.

Meanwhile, Destro is reflecting on his choices well learning more about his lineage in Scotland. He also ponders how he can use the information he has gotten from General Flagg about these transforming vehicles. But he can’t ponder too long as he needs to pay a visit to someone who has an interest in killing him.

Just as it looks like Destro has gotten his revenge tour on track. His enemies are trying to use his death to forge an alliance with a very powerful confidant.

Welcome to M.A.R.S

Destro #4 does an awesome job of continuing the origin story of one of the best villains from the world of G.I Joe. Dan Watters takes some chances and gambles on running a story that has so many layers. His gamble, however, pays off in a big way and leaves you wanting more. The last page surprise appearance really sets the table for where this story will go next.

The art in this series always astounds me. It gives me nostalgic vibes from the cartoon series and toys we all loved as kids. For that and that alone this art team led by Andrei Bressan deserves all the credit that can be heaped on them.

Check Out My Review of Destro #3

Final Thoughts

As we move closer to G.I Joe #1 and the Energon Universe ramps up, this series is becoming more and more of a must read. If you are looking for a great story with great art, this is the series for you! Destro #5 can’t get here soon enough for me.

Final Grade: 9/10

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Richard Coryell
Richard Coryell
Head of NI Wrestling Host of Wrestling Night Live Host of the 3FN Podcast

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