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The Hunger and the Dusk, Book 2 Issue 2


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Creative Team

Written by: G. Willow Wilson; Art by: Chris Wildgoose; Colors: Msassyk; Layouts: Marc Laming; Letters by: Simon Bowland.

The Hunger and the Dusk by IDW Publishing

Survival, generational prejudices, love and more are all things our characters are dealing with. The world is dying, and a war wages on. While it originally looked like prejudices were being put aside solely for the means of survival, that’s much easier said than done. Sides that were picked, are not as clear anymore. While human and orckind struggle, their common enemy appears much more dangerous than originally thought. However, none of it will matter if in the end humans and orcs can’t get out of their own way.

Check out the review for the first 2 issues in Book One.

The Hunger and the Dusk. All images by IDW Publishing.
The Hunger and the Dusk. All images by IDW Publishing.

The Story for Book 2, Issue 2

Tara is back with her people, yet she doesn’t seem to feel any more at home. She knows she was justified in returning to her people, but she also recognizes she failed. As she struggles with her decision to leave the humans, she still wants to help and fight. Tara seems to focus on living not just survival. However, in a world that is dying that can get you killed quick.

She now appears as an outsider amongst her own people. Nevertheless she seems to have formed an unlikely alliance in the hope to save everyone. While change isn’t always welcomed, it’s always inevitable. Therefore, Tara must move on from the past if she wants to survive, if she wants to live.

The Hunger and the Dusk Variant Cover. All images by IDW Publishing.
The Hunger and the Dusk Variant Cover. All images by IDW Publishing.

The Art

This comic continues to have absolutely beautiful backgrounds. Whether there is a flashback full of lush grass and bushes, or a desert filled with skeletons, the art sets the tone beautifully. Additionally, our humans, orcs, and Vangol all continue to be so perfectly detailed that every emotion comes off the page.

The Hunger and the Dusk Book 2, Issue 2 Rating: 9.5/10

Nobody is perfect. No one always makes the right choices. However, it’s more often what comes next that matters the most. While everyone needs to process their past and their emotions, there is no time or reason for unnecessary drama. Especially, when the fate of human and orckind are at stake.

The characters in The Hunger and the Dusk, don’t ignore the emotions and wrongdoings of their characters, but time is never wasted. The drama, therefore doesn’t take away from the fact the world is dying, and humans and orcs continue to be hunted. The drama actually adds to the story by humanizing it. Each issue continues to connect the reader with the characters, while still moving the overall story forward. If you’re looking for a comic that bypasses the tropes, has a lot of heart, a bit of violence, and mysterious villains, The Hunger and the Dusk should be added to your pull list.

Lauren is half of Hops GEEK News: a weekly podcast that discusses all things geek pop culture, while enjoying a craft beer of the week. They also interview many different people from the comic book world and beyond.

Lauren is half of the podcast: Hops GEEK News. It’s a weekly podcast that discusses all things geek pop culture, while enjoying a craft beer of the week. They also interview many different people from the comic book world and beyond.

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