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Falling in Love on the Path to Hell #3 by Gerry Duggan, Garry Brown, Chris O’Halloran, Joe Sabino (IMAGE COMICS)

Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay points!

For this entry, the most unlikely love story in comics continues! The journey of Asami and MacRaith has taken many twists and turns. Being in purgatory plays a big factor with this. It also doesn’t help when a helping hand shows their true colors. With the dirty dealing of Mohan causing more havoc, how much does the couple have left?

Falling in Love on the Path to Hell #3 by Gerry Duggan, Garry Brown, Chris O’Halloran, Joe Sabino presses forward with another creative outing!

Let’s see how thing play out for the cursed couple now.


With Mohan’s true intentions coming to light, readers had to expect things to go from bad to worse. MacRaith’s struggles to “adapt” to this new world increase with each page. The reluctance to buy into Mohan’s order peels back his layers of character. Even with a bonding moment with Asami, the sense of uneasiness lingers.

Once a choice is made, Duggan spotlight’s Mohan’s twisted ways of dealing with “failure to comply”. It is not one for the squeamish. The sequence reflects the savage personalities inhabiting Purgatory. With a community of killers, there is nothing nice about their business. What follows next is a violent answer to the laws of the land.


As the unlikely couple draws closer, the writing leads their union to be a trial through fire. Readers will be locked in with their dire fight to survive. It is very creative writing that continues to keep taking intense chances that has to be applauded.

Brown and O’Halloran paint a disturbing picture with the art in this chapter. Mohan’s funeral arraignments for a fallen warrior make a loud statement early in the issue. With a half page image, Mohan stands over his army dictating. Asami if gifted a few pages of silent images showcasing her skills. It is a calm moment before the disturbing action forthcoming.

Mohan’s enforcers run-in with MacRaith holds nothing back. The “motivation” scenes reflect the unhinged behavior running rampant. They are ended quickly with a two page splash matching it’s savagery. The art team doesn’t pull anything back with the imagery here. It drives home the point of the bleakness of purgatory and those living in it. With the closing page, the issue concludes on a quiet and somber panel. It allows the reader to process what went down and ponder what troubles lie ahead.


With MacRaith in the crosshairs of danger, comics’ most unlikely love story delivers another solid chapter. Duggan’s writing constructs the unsettling lengths Mohan will go for control. Brown and O’Halloran mix in the big horrors and small victories with the artwork. Without question, there is nothing else like this series and its’ creativity on the shelves right now.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on Falling In Love On the Path to Hell #3. Thanks for reading Parlay points on Nerd Initiative.


Ken M.
Ken M.
Executive Producer/Host of the ODPH (Ocho Duro Parlay Hour) Podcast. Ken is also Nerd Initiative's Comics Editor-In-Chief/Brand Advisor and host of "Turn A Page". Ken is also a freelance Pro Wrestling Blogger and an all around fan of Sports, Movies Tv, Comics and Pro Wrestling

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