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Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay Points!

For this entry, “The Butcher” has ran out of time. Jace Boucher has been a breakout character in the “Slaughterverse” for quite some time. The former lover of Aaron Slaughter has tried finding peace. Unfortunately, his past won’t let him have that.

Now, his one man war against the Houses of Slaughter and Boucher have come to a final showdown. Will his pain be enough to push him to victory?

HOUSE OF SLAUGHTER #25 by Tate Brombal, Antonio Fuso, Miquel Muerto and AndWorld Design (Series Development: James Tynion IV and Designs and Development: Werther Dell’Edera) delivers on an explosive finale.

Let’s see how Jace Boucher fares in this confrontation!


Brombal sets Jace Boucher up for an emotional last stand. Throughout his journey, Jace has been dealing with ghosts from his past. It has been driving his one constant emotion: Anger. The writing reflects this as he goes into his showdown. However, Boucher finds himself in an unthought of position.

The sub plot of the houses comes to light at an unexpected time. With its venomous dialogue, Jace is told where he fits in the grand scheme of power. This drives him into action. It also builds to a stand still moment that long time fans have wondered if/when they will see it. From here, the story concludes very quickly. Loose ends are tied up very firmly.


The conclusion is not without its’ bittersweet moments. It leaves readers in a unique spot to process events. There is a sense of open-endedness that fans will have to ponder what just transpired. It’s a solid note to conclude on as the Butcher War reached its’ ending.

Fuso and Muerto open the issue with a near full image of Jace assessing what happened to Maven. This leads into his violent march into the House of Boucher. Panels are filled with extreme acts as Boucher look to end matters on his terms. His last run truly begins with a strong two page spread. The spread serves as a great pace setter as business begins to pick up steam.

From here, story pacing gets pages flying fast. It mirrors the ever-changing fight brewing. The art team throws in some graphic panels fitting of a bloody war. In its’ epilogue, the art style switches up to reflect flashbacks. It is a great break needed before the finale. The closing pages built towards a bittersweet ending. Readers will sense the gravity of Jace’s last stand with much praise.


“The Butcher’s War” concludes on a heartfelt and brutal note. Brombal sets an intense pace with strong writing. Fuso and Muerto give fans a violent and unforgiving final confrontation fitting for its’ build. This story will be one that Slaughterverse fans will be talking about for quite some time.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on House Of Slaughter #25. Thanks for reading Parlay points on Nerd Initiative.

Ken M.
Ken M.
Executive Producer/Host of the ODPH (Ocho Duro Parlay Hour) Podcast. Ken is also Nerd Initiative's Comics Editor-In-Chief/Brand Advisor and host of "Turn A Page". Ken is also a freelance Pro Wrestling Blogger and an all around fan of Sports, Movies Tv, Comics and Pro Wrestling

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