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GRIM #19 by Stephanie PhillipsFlavianoRico Renzi & Tom Napolitano (BOOM! STUDIOS)

“The Coolest Book at the LCS has returned”!

Combing themes of religion, mythology and music, GRIM stands out from the pack. With Hell (literally) on Earth, Jessica Harrow braces for a showdown of epic proportions. The road to her fate has taken a creative twist.

Each issue has been spotlighting certain characters backstories. Recently, it’s been on Jessica’s allies. Now it’s time to show her oppositions’ story.

GRIM #19 by Stephanie PhillipsFlavianoRico Renzi & Tom Napolitano (BOOM! STUDIOS) brings the story of Annabel front and center.

The series is a fan favorite of the N.I. Bullpen for good reason. Teaming up for this review is N.I. Assistant Editor Marty Stoked and yours truly (Ken – Nerd Initative EIC).

Let’s not wait any long and break down the latest!



KEN: The story of Annabel is a tragic tale of love and loss. Phillips weaves in elements of the 1960’s incredibly. Everything from the location to the music creates a vibrant backdrop to Annabel’s grasp for affection. Her relationship with Tilly is classic Hollywood. Readers can’t help but be caught up in its nostalgia. It is a stark contrast to where her persona is.


The banter between her and Adira brings forth how far she has fallen. Annabel is cold and remorseless as she grows in power. Phillips keeps readers guessing on where Adira truly lies. However, there is no denying her shock at how far Annabel has gone over the edge. This fear caps off a strong closing to where the next phase of plans lead.

MARTY: In GRIM #19, Stephanie Phillips delves into the backstory of Annabel, weaving her past seamlessly with the ongoing narrative. This integration adds a compelling layer of mystery and suspense, keeping readers on their toes and continually guessing what will happen next. The unpredictability of the series shines through in this issue, delivering surprises at every turn. The pacing is masterfully handled, allowing anticipation to build naturally, creating an emotional rollercoaster. Readers are given an intimate look into Annabel’s history, fostering a deep emotional connection that makes the subsequent events even more impactful.


KEN: It may sound like a broken record at this point but Flaviano, Renzi and Napolitano continue to impress delivering such high quality images. The drive-in diner pops with flare and innocence. Napolitano’s lettering for “Leader Of The Pack” is a perfect compliment to the moment. The panels capture the building love and devastating end for readers to be cemented with.

Once back in present time, the depiction of Annabel comes off as intimidating and shocking. Adira’s reactions amplify the tense panels. The imagery mirror the unhinged behavior of evil incarnate. This all builds for a solid landing spot with Annabel ready to take her swing to end Jessica once and for all.

MARTY: Flaviano’s artwork continues to impress with its high-quality, top-notch artistry. The colors by Rico Renzi are vibrant and strategically placed, enhancing the emotional resonance of each scene. The reappearance of a familiar demonic creature is a visual highlight, showcasing Flaviano’s imaginative prowess and reinforcing the series’ themes of life versus death. Tom Napolitano’s lettering sets the tone right from the start, with song lyrics and initial interactions with Annabel’s past version effectively drawing readers into the story.


KEN: 9/10

With its’ mix of horror and hopeful optimism, the latest chapter of Comics coolest series strikes another big win. Phillips unveils a vintage romance behind terror with incredible writing. Flaviano, Renzi and Napolitano blend the visuals of a classic time with the dire present via their fantastic images. There’s never a question that this series is a lock to hit each time out.


MARTY: 9/10

GRIM #19 is a stellar issue that balances deep character exploration with captivating visual storytelling. The creative team excels in delivering an emotionally charged and unpredictable narrative, making this a must-pull for any comic book enthusiast.

Want More Reviews From martystoked? Click HERE

Ken M.
Ken M.
Executive Producer/Host of the ODPH (Ocho Duro Parlay Hour) Podcast. Ken is also Nerd Initiative's Comics Editor-In-Chief/Brand Advisor and host of "Turn A Page". Ken is also a freelance Pro Wrestling Blogger and an all around fan of Sports, Movies Tv, Comics and Pro Wrestling

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