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HARD STYLE JUICE #4 by Clay McCormack, Ricardo López-Ortiz, Heather Moore, and DC Hopkins (Comixology Originals)

Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay points!

For this entry, the mystery of Rey Castro’s death takes a shocking turn! Since his untimely death in the ring, there has been many questions surrounding what happened. Mona Castro has picked up the case and wrestling to find the guilty party. However, new evidence points her into a direction she doesn’t want to go.

Is the guilty party actually her father?!

HARD STYLE JUICE #4 by Clay McCormack, Ricardo López-Ortiz, Heather Moore, and DC Hopkins (Comixology Originals) brings readers one step closer to learning the truth.

Let’s get in the ring and see what’s happening now!


Has Mona bitten off more than she can chew? That is the question McCormick poses to the reader. Her plan to work through the wrestling business for answers has backfired. Renault comes across as shrewd and cold. He is all about the business and little time for feelings. Getting his take on Rey’s death puts many themes into perspective.


Mona’s reaction comes off as a doomed attempt for hope. She sinks further into the world she was ill-prepared to deal with. This rings especially true in the final act. Seeing who is working who is a solid reveal. The behind-the-scenes look offers a dire picture for what lies ahead. It is one that will have readers on edge waiting for the conclusion to drop.

López-Ortiz and Moore brings their electric style to key pivotal points throughout this chapter. The opening panel of Mona’s reaction to Renault’s news is one that hits readers hard. It spirals into the shifty ways of a wrestling promoter used to “working” the room they’re in.

Mona’s response is filled with rage that adds to some fighting panels. None more jump off the page that a near full page “Blade job” leading into a fast-moving middle act. Once the story comes to its’ closing rounds, the emotions pour of King and Mona’s faces. Knowing the trouble she’s in weighs heavy. It all boil to a show stopping final panel that mic drops the chapter.


The Pen-ultimate chapter of Rey Castro’s murder mystery delves into the shady side of the wrestling business. McCormick walks readers through the dirty dealing with great writing. López-Ortiz brings worth the gravity of secrets revealed with incredible art. This series has been nothing but a championship win thus far and looks to head there entering its’ final fall!

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on Hard Style Juice #4. Thanks for reading Parlay points on Nerd Initiative!


Ken M.
Ken M.
Executive Producer/Host of the ODPH (Ocho Duro Parlay Hour) Podcast. Ken is also Nerd Initiative's Comics Editor-In-Chief/Brand Advisor and host of "Turn A Page". Ken is also a freelance Pro Wrestling Blogger and an all around fan of Sports, Movies Tv, Comics and Pro Wrestling

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