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The Domain #1: An Epic Space Odyssey?


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Cover Artist: Rachel Stott Image Comics

Writer  Chip Zsdarsky

Artist Rachael Stott

Colorist  Enrica Eren Angiolini

Letterer Jeff Powell

Editor Allison Toole

Cover Artist Rachael Stott

Publisher: Image Comics

In ‘The Domain’s’ first issue, it becomes an exciting tale. Three friends, who are living different lives, come together to explore what is in space.  Destiny, who is someone who is very smart, and is helping out her father. Liz is the headstrong girl who is destined to find out what is in space. Lastly, there is Max, who is a tech genius. They all are in this club that they made up, called “Club of Two” but Liz invites Destiny to be apart of it.


Liz has always been fascinated with space. There are a couple moments when she wonders what is truly out there.  The three friends up setting up camp with all the equipment needed, and they are just waiting for something to happen. Liz is being a good friend to Destiny, who needed some down time from helping her dad all the time. Destiny feels guilty not helping her dad, but understands why she needs the break.  All three of them suddenly hear something fall from the sky.

They all go and investigate what had fallen from the sky. It looks like some sort of spaceship. When they looked inside, and alien beings are in the ship. The aliens are starting to attack them, but Max ends up fighting them off. Max found a bracelet, that suddenly turned him into some type of person with superpowers.  Liz makes a decision to go and save one of the aliens, and take the alien with them. Liz wants to know more.

This first issue is very exciting, and ends with a cliffhanger. Hopefully, the alien does not attack them once again. Liz is very bold as a character, and likes to be adventurous. Destiny kind of stayed in the background, but is willing to help Liz as much as she can. I also am wondering what is going to happen with Max, now that he has these new powers.  I also like the art, it’s so detailed for each character. As soon as I started to read, I started to care about these characters. I love the three character’s unique bond that they have.  The writing is also excellent, each comic panel serves a purpose to the story.

I give this a 9.5/10 


Janelle Holland
Janelle Holland
My name is Janelle, and I love comics, T.V. shows, movies. I enjoy everything from Marvel to DC. You can usually find me with a comic book in my hand and some coffee.

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