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GATCHAMAN: GALACTOR #1 by Steve Orlando, Kath Lobo, and Frank Cvetkovic (Mad Cave Studios)

Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay points!

For this entry, the world of Gatchaman has returned in a big way! The legendary team retuned to comic shops with two big releases via Mad Cave Studios. Joining the ranks is a new story centered around their most dangerous enemy. Can there be sabotage from within? That is the question lingering around GALACTOR and Berg Katse.

GATCHAMAN: GALACTOR #1 by Steve Orlando, Kath Lobo, and Frank Cvetkovic sets the stage for a mystery that readers won’t want to miss.

Let’s take a closer look at how things play out now.


For anyone new to the fandom, Orlando brings out the sadistic and ruthless nature of Katse to a terrifying level. The attempt on his life is shrouded in his own self-loathing of failure.

Once the attempt is made, the story kicks into full swing. Katse is written as an ultimate strategist. His methods of deciphering who was behind the attacks shows the level of viciousness he will go to win.

This leads into a strong final act. Relying heavily on bait and switch, Katse has a unique stand-off. The devious nature pours off panels as Katse works. This builds up the drama to a fever pitch. Its’ fallout is very good. The surface has only begun to be scratched. That point is drilled home with a defiant last page. Events are paced out perfectly to let the world know Katse is out for blood. Get ready for a true path a rage for readers to walk.


Lobo brings an energetic feel to this chapter. There is a two-page splash to feature Galactor in action. It’s met with a brief but impactful entrance for the Gatchaman team. From here, the focus goes solely on Katse and the cunning nature he oozes.

From the evil smirk to the depths of his investigation, Katse’s body language showcases his devious ways. This pours into the final standoff. Seeing the cat and mouse nature of the scene plays out is one readers will enjoy. It ends with a full page dramatic reveal of Katse to his unsuspecting adversary.

The momentum carries right to the closing page. With a glorious stance in full page form, Katse makes his presence known he is only getting started.


Aim for the King and you had best not miss. That is the aura Berg Katse demonstrates in this captivating chapter. Orlando constructs a building mystery with great writing. Lobo captures the manic nature of Galactor’s heavy with excellent visuals. There is much for readers to become invested with the matters unfolding in the Gatchaman Universe.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on Gatchaman: Galactor #1. Thanks for reading Parlay points on Nerd Initiative!


Ken M.
Ken M.
Executive Producer/Host of the ODPH (Ocho Duro Parlay Hour) Podcast. Ken is also Nerd Initiative's Comics Editor-In-Chief/Brand Advisor and host of "Turn A Page". Ken is also a freelance Pro Wrestling Blogger and an all around fan of Sports, Movies Tv, Comics and Pro Wrestling

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