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Blood Hunters #3 – In The Shadows Around the World


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Creative Team – VC’s Joe Caramagna(letterer). Greg Land & Frank D’Armata(cover artists). Declan Shalvey(variant cover artist). Jay Bowen(design). Martin Biro(Editor). Tom Brevoort(executive editor). C.B. Cebulski(editor in chief).

“Lord and Savior”(note- this story takes place before Blood Hunt #4)- Sean Kelley McKeever(writer). Lan Medina(artist). Romulo Fajardo Jr.(color artist)

“The Fall of the House of Udder”– Josh Trujillo(writer). Claire Roe(artist). Neeraj Menon(color artist).

“Once More into the Darkness pt.3”– Erica Schultz(writer). Bernard Chang(artist). Marcelo Maiolo(color artist).

Published by Marvel Entertainment

Be sure to read the review of Blood Hunters #2! Enjoy!

Cover art by Greg Land & Frank D’Armata. Published by Marvel Entertainment

Lord and Savior

The Blood Hunt event continues but this time with Blood Hunters #3! Our first story in the third edition takes place at the Latverian Embassy. Tatiana Keska, an embassy agent who formed a secret alliance against Doctor Doom, is running a meeting to discuss the sun going dark. Just as she sheds doubt that Doctor Doom will protect his people from the blood sucking monsters, the lights go out and chaos ensues. The vampires have broken into the embassy. Tatiana is the only one that escapes but the vampires soon find her and now she must put her trust in Doctor Doom.

The Fall of the House of Udder

The next story is one I didn’t expect in the Blood Hunt event but I’m so glad it was included. The Fall of the House of Udder begins on a farm in the middle of nowhere with a young farmer named Levi. He’s done a lot of bad things in life but this farm is his answer to get away from that life. Levi is content at his job working on a mysterious person’s farm but is uneasy when he’s told to never enter the barn.

Astonishing enough, that night he discovers that his boss is actually the Hellcow. The Hellcow and Levi live in a strange harmonious routine where they respect each other and stay out of each other’s way. Until one night one of the Hellcow’s victims tries to escape, and Levi has to stop him without a second thought. Why did Levi do this? Was this magic? What does this cow have power over him? And why didn’t he feel bad for killing that stranger who was just trying to flee?

Once More into the Darkness pt. 3

The final story in Blood Hunters #3 continues the story Once More into the Darkness with Elsa Bloodstone, Dagger, and now Yelena Belova. Dagger has successfully cured Yelena of her vampirism and is actively fighting off the curse herself. Yelena and Elsa do not get off on the best foot, as Yelena tries to stop Elsa from shooting Dagger.

Understandably, Elsa doesn’t realize that Dagger’s powers worked to cure Yelena so she thinks putting her out of her misery is the best option. However, Yelena is cured and Elsa took offense to her kicking her gun out of her hands. Violence ensues until Dagger comes back from curing the vampirism. While trying to form a plan, a herd of vampires are seen. Elsa attempts to take down one of them with her gun but come to find out, it’s not a vampire at all. Its Hallow’s Eve!

Variant Cover Art by Declan Shalvey. Published by Marvel Entertainment.

The Art

The art for all three stories were exquisite and perfect for its story. For Lord and Savior, I loved how dark toned every panel was with bright details, such as Tatiana’s hair or Doctor Doom’s magic. In the second story, it felt like it was straight out of a horror film. That definitely added to the to the plot of the story making it feel even more horror-esque. In Once More into the Darkness part 3, I think it was drawn and colored beautifully. There was so much detail to each one of the characters that it made all of them feel like the main character. I really enjoyed the reflective light shining off each character.

The Writing

With Lord and Savior, I loved how it started out with Tatiana having her doubts Doctor Doom would ever help them but ending up with her putting all of her trust into him. It showed that even during the Blood Hunt, Doctor Doom’s loyalty lies with Latveria and its people. In The Fall of the House of Udder, it felt like a full course meal in one single story. It gave so much while keeping the details pretty vague which made it feel like it hit even harder.

Once More into the Darkness part 3 had the perfect continuity for this story that left you craving more. Seeing Elsa, Dagger, and Yelena together is something that I didn’t think I’d see but then adding in Hallow’s Eve?! I can’t wait to see what’s next.

Final Thoughts

All three stories within Blood Hunters #3 were excellent. Each one gave so much and left me wanting an entire comic run dedicated to the single story. The Blood Hunt event has been stupendous and this made me even more excited for what’s next.

I give this a 9 out of 10

This review was written by Megan from Vigilante Vibes: A Marvel Podcast. If you liked my review, be sure to check out my other reviews! Let me know what you think of Blood Hunters #3, or tell me what comics you’d recommend me trying out! Find me on my socials, and check out my Marvel podcast, Vigilante Vibes, by clicking here!

Megan Nichole
Megan Nichole
Megan from the Vigilante Vibes podcast, a nontoxic Marvel podcast that has the goal of spreading positivity and inclusiveness in the Marvel fandom. Group owner of The Nerd Haven on Facebook, a nontoxic nerd culture group of 50k+. Comic reviewer and asst. editor/ brand advisor for Nerd Initiative. Penguin enthusiast.

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