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Blood Hunters #2 – An Astonishing Invasion For All


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Creative Teams- VC’s Joe Caramagna(letterer). Greg Land, Frank D’Armata(cover artists). Declan Shalvey(variant cover artist)

“End of the Well” – Kaare Andrews(writer). Alex Lins(artist). KJ Diaz(color artist).

“We Drink to Forget We Drink” – Ann Nocenti(writer). David Baldeón(artist). Java Tartaglia(color artist).

“Once More Into the Darkness” Part Two – Erica Schultz(writer). Bernard Chang(artist). Marcelo Maiolo(color artist).

Published By Marvel Entertainment

Declan Shalvey(variant cover artist). Published by Marvel Entertainment

Be sure to check out my other reviews here! Hope you enjoy!

“End of the Well”

The start of Blood Hunters #2 begins with Bruce Banner locked in an underground room surrounded by dying or already dead strangers. Bruce is confused as to where he is since the last thing he remembers is the sky turning dark. That’s when the vampires used the Darkforce to blot out the sun, giving them free reign across the world. The vampires were keeping him hostage until the rest of their coven shows up so they can also get a taste of the Hulk’s blood, which has had a huge impact on them as monsters.

Something I really enjoyed about this mini story was its juxtaposition with a story from Bruce’s childhood involving his pet dog, Charger. It shows the parallels of what Bruce had to endure as a child to ensure his safety compared to his current predicament. It was a very creative way to show the things in Bruce’s life that’s grown him accustomed to doing what he needs to do to survive.

“We Drink to Forget We Drink”

The next story involves the amazing Kate Bishop answering a distress call of what seems to be a vampire slayer by the name of Dante. Dante was in the middle of an attack from a swarm of vampires and with the help of Kate, AKA Hawkeye, they both successfully tear the swarm apart. They find shelter on Dante’s tugboat while coming up with a plan to trap and take down more of the blood sucking monsters. But Kate’s dog, Lucky, doesn’t trust Dante one bit. Can Kate trust Dante? Is Lucky on to something? Well, Lucky definitely deserves more credit than he gets.

Check out Issue #1 Review Here!

This was a fun story that shows the great bond between Lucky and Kate, and shows that you really don’t know who to trust during the Blood Hunt event. Anyone can claim to be a friend or foe, but you won’t know until the going gets tough.

“Once More Into the Darkness Part II”

The final story starts with Elsa Bloodstone playing a game of chess when her and Adam are attacked by their friend, Charles Barnabus. Charles, who usually can keep his vampire abilities under control, seems to have lost that control making him a feral vampire. After getting him strapped down and detained, Elsa sets out to find some answers as to what’s going on. This brings us to the present, a continuation of Blood Hunters #1, when Elsa shows up to help Dagger. Dagger and Elsa get attacked by a group of vampires led by Yelena Belova, the White Widow. Dagger tries her best to help Yelena, but no good deed goes unpunished.

Something I didn’t expect to like so much is Elsa and Dagger working together. I would love to see them work together again in the future. Also, I love Elsa Bloodstone and I think she’s perfect to be involved in the Blood Hunt event. This story was my favorite one of the three in Blood Hunters #2

Credit Marvel Entertainment

The Writing

The writing in each story was phenomenal. I loved how deep the story with Bruce Banner went with showing part of his childhood, which is something I’d love to see more of. With “We Drink to Forget We Drink”, I enjoy seeing Kate Bishop doing what she can to help the vampire situation and setting out to hunt them herself. I can’t wait to read what happens with her next. With the story of Elsa and Dagger, it was captivating and exciting, making me crave more of wanting to know what happens with Dagger and how Elsa will handle it. All three stories were different vibes, but each hit as hard as it could and was brilliantly written.

The Art

The art in each story was different and expertly crafted to fit the tone of each story. Bruce Banner’s had a really great contrast in the colors of his past memories versus his current situation. Kate’s story’s art was something I really appreciated as it played off the colors of her purple suit, making it feel like a true Hawkeye story to its core.

The last story with Elsa and Dagger was gorgeous. Elsa is drawn so perfectly showing what an exciting character she is all the way down to her great monster hunter look. Something I really loved was the nice light aura Dagger has around her constantly. It does a great job contrasting Elsa and Dagger as different characters with different personalities.

Final Thoughts

All three stories worked so well together in one comic book. Each one had their own stakes but it was still shown they were all fighting the same battle. The Blood Hunters books have been really exciting! The creative teams truly showing their incredible skills at keeping you captivated in the small stories while keeping your mind on the big picture of the story as a whole.

I give this a 10 out of 10

This article was written by me, Megan! If you liked my review, be sure to check out my other reviews! Let me know what you think of Blood Hunters #2, or tell me what comics you’d recommend me trying out! Find me on my socials, and check out my Marvel podcast, Vigilante Vibes, by clicking here!

Megan Nichole
Megan Nichole
Megan from the Vigilante Vibes: A Marvel Podcast, a nontoxic Marvel podcast that has the goal of spreading positivity and inclusiveness in the Marvel fandom. Group owner of MediaVerse: Comics Unwrapped on Facebook, a nontoxic nerd culture group of 50k+. Comic reviewer for Nerd Initiative.

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