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HOUSE OF SLAUGHTER #24 BY Tate Brombal, Antonio Fuso, Miquel Muerto and AndWorld Design (Series Development: James Tynion IV and Designs and Development: Werther Dell’Edera) CREDIT: BOOM! STUDIOS

Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points!

For this edition, Jace Boucher is at the war’s end. His final stand against Jolie and both Houses of hunters united will not be without casualties. With the pain of his past fueling him, can the Butcher win an impossible fight? Even with a strong ally in Maven, it might be all for nothing as an attack on his home awaits.

HOUSE OF SLAUGHTER #24 BY Tate Brombal, Antonio Fuso, Miquel Muerto and AndWorld Design (Series Development: James Tynion IV and Designs and Development: Werther Dell’Edera) unleashes a full scale attack onto readers!

Let’s see how the pen-ultimate chapter stands up.


The build in this series has been purposely slow to have readers ready for the conflict. Brombal finally sets off the action in two big battles. One is Maven defending Jace’s “children” from Jolie invading the swamp. The other is René waiting to face off with the Butcher one on one. With the rising body count, the fights have become personal. Let alone the Houses of Boucher and Slaughter watching in the wings.


The writing delves into the manic behavior of Jolie. Risking hunters on her personal vendetta showcases how unhinged she has become. Maven pulls out some huge surprises as their battle commences. As for Jace and René, the writing shifts into making both very similar in actions. Their banter is very driven and strikes a few nerves. This builds towards a strong finish with a few tricks up the sleeve. Seeing how things are left, there is now way to even guess how the war will end.

Fuso and Muerto craft impressive fight scenes throughout the entire issue. Maven revealing her attack is a two page spread that readers will be raving about. Talk about a game-changer! René and Jace’s brawl is violent and emotionally draining. It holds nothing back as each page becomes more intense. Both fights end in ways that no one will see coming. The images rev up the excitement as there is one showdown left! Only one point is certain: there is no guarantee anyone survives.


The Butcher War level up its intensity and drama with an issue not soon forgotten! Brombal weaves two impressive battles that hit the emotional marks. Fuso and Muerto choose violence with the unforgiving images to deliver the hellish fight Jace is in the center of. There’s no way not to be amped up for what’s next after this chapter.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on House of Slaughter #24. Thanks for reading Parlay points on Nerd Initiative!


Ken M.
Ken M.
Executive Producer/Host of the ODPH (Ocho Duro Parlay Hour) Podcast. Ken is also Nerd Initiative's Comics Editor-In-Chief/Brand Advisor and host of "Turn A Page". Ken is also a freelance Pro Wrestling Blogger and an all around fan of Sports, Movies Tv, Comics and Pro Wrestling

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