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BATMAN #148 by Chip Zdarsky, Jorge Jiménez, Tomeu Morey, and Clayton Cowles (DC COMICS)

Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points!

For this entry, it’s a showdown of Dark Knights! In one corner is Bruce Wayne. Standing across from his is his worst nightmare come to life. Failsafe is a robotic figure uploaded with Zur-En-Arh. The remorseless backup personality of Batman has ousted Wayne from his role as Gotham’s protector.

With Gotham City slipping further in Failsafe ‘s control, Batman takes one last attempt to stop his greatest creation.

BATMAN #148 by Chip Zdarsky, Jorge Jiménez, Tomeu Morey, and Clayton Cowles (DC COMICS) sets out to determine who will be the Dark Knight once and for all!

Let’s not wait any longer and check out this main event showdown!


The chapter opens up with a flashback sequence. A young Bruce Wayne is getting taught by Daniel Captio. The lesson delves into the creation of back up personalities. Bruce is very against this. Captio explains how this can only help in his quest for vengeance.

Fast forward to the present and Bruce’s reservations prove to be true. With Failsafe running loose in Gotham, Batman prepares to make his stand. Tim Drake lowers into a cave. Bruce gives the signal to contact “The Family”.

Meanwhile, Damian Wayne has become a prisoner to Failsafe and his new “Robin.” Damian gives fair warning about what he is going to do. Failsafe ends his attempt for help with a pre-set trap. The new Dynamic Dup is poised to “Cure” Gotham.


Readers see the key players set in place as the roads lead to one stop. Before that gets there, a LONG overdue plot point is addressed. Before battle, Bruce does something which many fans have been waiting to see since “Knight Terrors” ended.

From that moment, it is game on! Blackgate Prison becomes center stage. Batman vs. Failsafe! Winner take all! The action speeds things at a high pace. Multiple characters are featured in between the action. Its’ resolution is a surprise one but pays off big. This leads into another confrontation that cements the winner’s status as Gotham’s protector. The final page is a perfect send-off to where this chapter closes.

Zdarsky gives readers a massive payoff for a few threads he has been placing in his run. Captio lurking throughout this saga finally has a good purpose with the conclusion. There is a solid sequence in the closing act where the teacher becomes the student in their dialogue.

The writings’ strength is the long overdue conversation between Bruce and the Bat-Family. In Zdarsky’s run, their relationship has been continuously fractured. Before combat, Bruce does the one thing that many have been waiting for. This leads into a grounded moment that can only go upward. The resolution is very smart and gives a fitting end to this story for now. There’s a lot for superhero fans to enjoy with this one.

Jiménez and Morey feature Bruce in a rotating emotional state. The meeting with the Bat Family ranges from disappointment to new found confidence. This rolls into the final showdown flawlessly. The full page image of Batman at Blackgate changes the mood instantly. Action spirals out of organized chaos with the multiple battles taking place. There is absolutely no way to be let down by the panels featured. The chapter is closed off with an iconic shot that ushers in the next phase of the first family of Gotham. Nothing but win.


The Fall and Rise of Bruce Wayne comes to a fever pitch with this strong finale. Zdarsky dives into a few themes that hit their marks with a bullseye. Jiménez, Morey and Cowles hold nothing back when it comes to the action and danger in a face-off fans won’t want to miss!

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on Batman #148. Thanks for reading Parlay points on Nerd Initiative.


Ken M.
Ken M.
Executive Producer/Host of the ODPH (Ocho Duro Parlay Hour) Podcast. Ken is also Nerd Initiative's Comics Editor-In-Chief/Brand Advisor and host of "Turn A Page". Ken is also a freelance Pro Wrestling Blogger and an all around fan of Sports, Movies Tv, Comics and Pro Wrestling

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