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Minor Threats, The Fastest Way Down #2


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Creative Team:

Script: Patton Oswalt & Jordan Blum; Art: Scott Hepburn; Colors: Ian Herring; Letters: Nate Piekos of Blambot; Covers A and C Artists: Scott Hepburn with Ian Herring; Cover B Artist: Dan Hipp.

Minor Threats, The Fastest Way Down by Dark Horse Comics

The Minor Threats universe kicked off last year with a 4 issue run. Followed by The Alternates, and now Minor Threats, the Fastest Way Down. Stay tuned this summer for Barfly, another story in this hilarious action packed continually growing universe. As we see this world expand, any comic book fan will want to jump in on the fun as soon as possible.

Frankie “Playtime” Follis is quickly becoming the Godmother of Redport. Home to many villains just trying to get by. While things seemed all roses and Lego guns for a while, things are starting to unravel a bit. Frankie has a secret that could destroy her image. An image she worked hard to create. Issue one ended with a new group of snot nosed “heroes” who could destroy that image, and the life Frankie has worked so hard to create for herself, her partner, and her daughter.  

Check out the review for Issue 1.

Minor Threats, The Fastest Way Down #2. All images by Dark Horse Comics.
Minor Threats, The Fastest Way Down #2. All images by Dark Horse Comics.

The Story for Issue 2

This issue kicks off with the sad story behind the man we saw being carried by Snakestalker at the beginning of volume one of Minor Threats: Diego. Formerly known as Reptilian. Snakestalker was his partner on the streets, and at home. They shared a life together, until Snakestalker disappeared the same night Insomniac and Stickman died, and Frankie took over. Diego is physically back in one piece, but was left with a broken heart. As someone with nothing left to live for, he’s ready to do the one thing most wouldn’t dare. He’s calling out Frankie.

Variant Cover for Minor Threats, The Fastest Way Down #2. All images by Dark Horse Comics.
Variant Cover for Minor Threats, The Fastest Way Down #2. All images by Dark Horse Comics.

The Art

The art for Minor Threats is absolutely gorgeous from beginning to end. No detail is ever spared. Frankie’s superhero power is creating weapons that always seem to look like toys (something she should really talk to a therapist about). This issue in particular, had some fantastic toy weapon moments. As I see her using a barrel of monkeys to get from one building to another, my head instantly went to Toy Story, and thought, Death by Monkeys! All the while, this issue takes place during a special event, that just adds even more beauty and color. This is definitely a comic, where every page needs to be admired, because you don’t want to miss a single detail.

Minor Threats, the Fastest Way Down #2 Rating: 9.5/10

What’s a bigger motivator? Working to keep the life you love, or a broken heart? Frankie finally feels on top. She’s happy in love, happy in business, and has her daughter back in her life. This makes her a target. Especially, for someone who blames her for taking their love, and therefore essentially their life, from them. 

This world just gets more complicated and layered with every story told. These are all characters with tragic pasts, trying to make the best of the broken pieces they were given. Good choices were never made, and too often fists do the talking. This comic really has all the ingredients for a fantastic new world of chaos. Fractured childhoods, teen superheroes who you truly hope fail miserably, revenge, humor, action, and a sock monkey used as a weapon. If you haven’t dove into the world of Minor Threats yet, there is no time like the present.

Lauren is half of Hops GEEK News: a weekly podcast that discusses all things geek pop culture, while enjoying a craft beer of the week. They also interview many different people from the comic book world and beyond.

Check out our interview with the creators of Minor Threats.

Minor Threats: The Fastest Way Down Interview w/ Jordan Blum, Patton Oswalt, and Scott Hepburn
Lauren is half of the podcast: Hops GEEK News. It’s a weekly podcast that discusses all things geek pop culture, while enjoying a craft beer of the week. They also interview many different people from the comic book world and beyond.

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