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Mistland #1 by Felipe Castilho, Felipe Watanabe, Natalia Marques, and Deyvison Manes (stout Club Entertainment/Comixology Originals) Cover: Rafael Albuquerque

Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay points!

For this entry, we are checking out a new series from Stout Club Entertainment via Comixology Originals. If the name of Stout Club sounds familiar, they are the group created by Rafael Albuquerque, Eduardo Medeiros, Mateus Santolouco, and Rafael Scavone. Under the banner, fans have been treated to such hits as Hailstone, Funny Creek and the incredible Red Tag.

The brand looks to make another huge run in 2024. First out of the gate is a mysterious world of fantasy and intrigue.

Mistland #1 by Felipe Castilho, Felipe Watanabe, Natalia Marques, and Deyvison Manes kicks things off with a show stealing debut.

Let’s take a closer look at how things shape up here.


The story begins in a frozen landscape. Inside a mountain hides a secret colony. The inhabitants are rationing water. Soldiers of the Tyr house are clashing with the Dagur representatives over the amount of water being given. Tensions run very high as both sides don’t back down.

Fighting ensues. The young residents watch in awe. Some don’t agree with the method of “conversation”. Once Loder throws his apple at one of the Tyr, emotions run even higher. It is only interrupted when the Mistress of the King grabs the kids for a history lesson.

Mistland #1 by Felipe Castilho, Felipe Watanabe, Natalia Marques, and Deyvison Manes (stout Club Entertainment/Comixology Originals) Cover: Rafael Albuquerque

Readers watch as the story of Erik the last Explorer. the story breaks down the Mistland and some of its’ secrets. From here, the story picks its pace up as time moves forward.

Just when the story looks to head in one direction, the closing image throws everything off. Brace for a mystery that looks to uncover more than just a suspect.

Castilho juggles with many characters in this opening charge. The inhabitants of the Mistland range in many different emotions. Fighting for control establishes the power struggle. As the different groups begin to emerge, readers have to start cyphering where the motivations come from.

This mirrors the themes one would see in a “Game Of Thrones” esque story. This is a big win for readers as the true intentions remain hidden for now. Judging by the final page, there will be much to dive into this new world more than the shocking conclusion.

Watanabe, Marques and Manes combine many elements to craft the world of the Mistland. With the rivaling parties, their conflicts sets the tone for the book. The story of Erik The Last explorer gets a full page guide walking the readers through his journey. The final trek of the chapter depicts the many residents of the land in more peaceful times. It is a stark contrast to the final image, which will have fans guessing until the next chapter drops.


Through the wonderment of a fantasy land lies a dark secret. Castilho’s writing walks readers into the tensions of the new landscape. The imagery of Watanabe and Marques depicts elements brewing that hits a new gear when the last page debuts. This will be a book you’ll want to keep an eye out for on NCBD.

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know what you thought of Mistland #1. Thanks for reading Parlay Points on Nerd Initiative.


Ken M.
Ken M.
Executive Producer/Host of the ODPH (Ocho Duro Parlay Hour) Podcast. Ken is also Nerd Initiative's Comics Editor-In-Chief/Brand Advisor and host of "Turn A Page". Ken is also a freelance Pro Wrestling Blogger and an all around fan of Sports, Movies Tv, Comics and Pro Wrestling

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