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HARD STYLE JUICE #1 by Clay McCormack, Ricardo López-Ortiz, Heather Moore, DC Hopkins, and Jasmine Amiri (Comixology Originals)

Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay Points!

For this entry, we’re checking out a brand new title on Comixology Originals. The world of Pro-Wrestling has always had a place in comics. The WWE dipping in here and there. Do A Powerbomb by Daniel Warren Johnson. Benjamin J Grimm actually wrestling in the Marvel Universe. The relationship between the two mediums are closer than some might think. Now entering the ring is a story that hides a deeper mystery in-between the action.

HARD STYLE JUICE #1 by Clay McCormack (Batman White Knight Presents: Red Hood), Ricardo López-Ortiz (Black Panther vs Deadpool), Heather Moore, DC Hopkins, and Jasmine Amiri (Comixology Originals) welcomes readers into the dangerous and thrilling world of KCPW.

Let’s not wait for the hot tag and get in the ring to check this out!


It’s Fight Night! There’s a conversation in the back while the action unfolds in the ring. The promotor is pulling a “The House is Light, brutha” on a performer. With money being an issue, the promoter offers a way to make more money. He wants the wrestler to handle a problem due to his reputation.

As he goes to his car, readers quickly sees it’s been vandalized and robbed. Suddenly, the wrestler is struck down with a barbed-wire baseball bat. Wielding it is someone claiming to be a ghost.

The story jumps to the past. A packed arena is at a fever pitch. Working a merch table is Ramonita “Mona” Castro. Standing in the ring is “King” Castro. Castro is announcing the KCPW World Champion: REY CASTRO!

HARD STYLE JUICE #1 by Clay McCormack, Ricardo López-Ortiz, Heather Moore, DC Hopkins, and Jasmine Amiri (Comixology Originals)

Post match, it’s revealed Rey is on the verge of getting a major federation contract. With one more match left, The tensions are raised in KCPW.

What happens next spirals the story into a completely new direction. Readers see a moment that turns everything on its axis. The closing moments ties everything back leaving fans with a question that will haunt them until the next chapter. Get ready as this saga has a few more falls to go before declaring a finish.

McCormack sets the early stages of a mystery that shows no holds barred. The dynamic of the Castro family is complex at its’ core. Mona and Rey’s bond is a connecting point to the audience. It carries the story into the latter portion of the book to its shocking ending.

As someone who’s been around the behind the scenes of an indie fed, the writing captures the good and bad reality. It gives more weight to the deeper mystery at the core of this drama. Once readers arrive at the close, McCormack bookends events with a solid ending point. It will catch readers with a hold that they won’t be able to escape from until the overall finale.

López-Ortiz, Moore, and Hopkins give fans electric pro-wrestling images in-between the drama. Right from the opening page, the art establishes the fast paced in-ring work. It also catches “the Ghost” fighting “Burly Bill” later. The lettering for “SUPER KICK” mixed with the bright coloring pops the panel.

The near full page introduction of Rey Castro comes off like a monster event. It plays into the pro-wrestling theme perfectly as being larger than life. The ensuing drama gives a balance to Rey’s “day job”. The moments with Mona only add to the tragic closing act. With a show-stopping final image, the art will have readers talking after the final bell hits.


The family drama of the Castro family jumps off the top rope and connects for a huge win. With fine writing calling the action on the page, the art team brings exceptional imagery fitting for the pro-wrestling landscape. After the closing page, readers will want this series to be their new fight forever.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on HARD STYLE JUICE #1. Thanks for reading Parlay points on Nerd Initiative.


Clay McCormack and Ricardo López Ortiz talk HARD STYLE JUICE (Comixology Originals) - TaP EP 32
Ken M.
Ken M.
Executive Producer/Host of the ODPH (Ocho Duro Parlay Hour) Podcast. Ken is also Nerd Initiative's Comics Editor-In-Chief/Brand Advisor and host of "Turn A Page". Ken is also a freelance Pro Wrestling Blogger and an all around fan of Sports, Movies Tv, Comics and Pro Wrestling

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