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Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH podcast!
For this entry, we have arrived at the conclusion of a fantastic story via ComiXology Originals. Debuting in October of 2021, the saga of Ian, Cynthia, Joy and Andrea has led into some incredible places and fantastic characters. It is no surprise when the creative team behind it is an Eisner winning pair (AFTERLIFT) that is known for the imaginative storytelling.
Readers have followed along as the vampire crew behind an all-night diner have challenged villains, mythology, and the high cost of immortality. Heading into their final chapter, the family risks it all for one of their own. Who will survive the final showdown with the Takers?
THE ALL-NIGHTER #15 by Chip Zdarsky, Jason Loo, Paris Alleyne, and Frank Cvetkovic sets course for an unforgettable finale.
Let’s take a closer look and see how the series concludes.
Alex, the vampire/“super-hero” who began this journey in issue #1, has been taken away by the Takers. The remaining members of the family track down his whereabouts to the Bermuda Triangle. With Francis (Frankenstein) and GOD by their side, the group ventures to free their family member.
Upon arrival, they are confronted by The Boogeyman. Behind the scenes lurking is Lucifer. He is waiting to have a chat with God about current affairs. Once the family conquers their fears, its full speed ahead into a confrontation with the Boogeyman and his forces.
This issue begins with God and Lucifer discussing the forthcoming battle between them. God has cyphered Lucifer is building his forces via the Supernatural. God challenges him on the plans. God also questions whether they’re on the right path as well.
Meanwhile, the action kicks off with the family (in full superhero costumes) taking it to the Boogeyman. With a lack of fear, the evil forces begin to fade. During this moment, Cynthia and Joy break away to find Alex and Francis, who are still captured.
The captured pair have found a friend in the form of the Yeti. Unfortunately for the trio, their path to escape has come upon a road block. Lazaruk and his “Justice Angels” stand in their way.
Readers watch the magic unfold as the final stand plays out. The tension never slows down building to a fever pitch with time slipping away. An unlikely voice becomes the catalyst for the strongest part of the final act. The emotions run high with one paying an ultimate price. The epilogue provides a superb ending to what has been a phenomenal read since day one. There is much to enjoy with this final chapter.
THE ALL-NIGHTER #15 by Chip Zdarsky, Jason Loo, Paris Alleyne, and Frank Cvetkovic(Comixology Originals)
Zdarsky combines multiple theme for this finale. Questioning fate is one of the bigger elements of the story. The conversation of God, Lucifer and their destiny raise many questions about the paths they’ve chosen.
This ties in perfectly with the family’s original challenges. Defying the Takers, the writing has mirrored the defiance of what is considered to be certain fate. It leads to great character moments for Ian, Andrea and Cynthia.
It’s closing pages complete the journey of self-discovery with a quiet moment between two characters. Zdarsky closes out the story with a strong ending fitting of the characters that have stepped out of the shadows and into the spotlight.
Loo and Alleyne shift focus to the conversations with the imagery of this book. The use of the white background for God and Lucifer’s talk gave the moment a completely different feel than the other stories going on.
It’s a contrast to Alex and Francis being stick in their darkness surroundings. Where the talk bring hope, Alex’s situation has been shrouded with darkness. Readers can connect with the hopelessness of the capture.
Once all the stories start coming together in the latter half, the mood is leveled up with the coloring and lettering. The final stand for one character reflects the noble sacrifice being made. It is also complemented with strong emotional reactions amongst the family.
The pain and sorrow in certain characters faces speak volumes. With a parting full page visual to the world of the diner, the story concludes with an enjoyable image. There is no other way the series could part way with readers with other than this shot. The team delivered on some incredible storytelling.
The supernatural saga of comic’s favorite diner concludes with a strong finale. Zdarsky orchestrates a layered conclusion with superb writing. Loo, Alleyne, and Cvetkovic provide a bittersweet farewell with dramatic visuals. It’s closing time for this wildly imaginative tale and a true disservice to your collection not to add this chapter.
Hit me up on ODPHpod Social Media and let me know your thoughts on The All-Nighter #15. Thanks for reading Parlay points on Nerd Initiative!