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Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH podcast!
For this entry, we have arrived at the pen-ultimate issue of a supernatural saga from Comixology Originals. Since its’ inception, the hardest working diner family have always had their fair share of difficulties. What happens when they are literally thrown face first into the darkest fears?
THE ALL-NIGHTER #14 by Chip Zdarsky, Jason Loo, Paris Alleyne, and Frank Cvetkovic is poised to find out what Ian, Cynthia, Joy and Andrea are made of. Let’s take a closer look and see what’s happening here.
Ian, Cynthia, Joy, Andrea, Frank and GOD himself have embarked on a mission to rescue Alex from the Takers. Alex is a member of the All-Nighter family who became lost in the fight with Lazaruk. With Frank sacrificing himself to get the location of the Takers, the group has followed his tracker to the Bermuda Triangle.
The All-Nighter #14 by Chip Zdarsky, Jason Loo, Paris Alleyne, and Frank Cvetkovic (Credit: Comixology Originals)
Once they arrive, they confront the BOGEYMAN. Their rescue mission is derailed when the entity used his powers to make each member confront their fears.
This issue kicks off with God meeting with the Bogeyman on an astral level. Thinking he has the upper hand, the evil soul tries claiming he is the only God now.
The story shifts gears to Joy at her mother’s grave. Joy’s sister is blaming her for the death. Cynthia is on the streets, begging and disheveled. Andrea is running form her fellow officers. Ian is isolated and alone in a desert area.
Meanwhile Frank has been put into a prison limbo all his own. Coming across the Yeti, Frank starts figuring out the Takers plans. Will this lead to finding Alex?
The family continues a grueling onslaught of their worst nightmares. What follows next is a true test of how this family have come together over time. The strength shown is the same that allows them to take the risks they do.
Readers sit back and see how the endgame is set. The final image letting everyone know the end is near.
The All-Nighter #14 by Chip Zdarsky, Jason Loo, Paris Alleyne, and Frank Cvetkovic (Credit: Comixology Originals)
Zdarsky puts the family into the most uncomfortable scenarios in this issue. Knowing Joy’s family issues, readers can easily sense her pain as she feels the burden she’s accused of.
Cynthia having a fall from grace reflects how her character has been more flawed than previously thought. The other members have their time as well, but all share the same themes.
The panels with Frank lead readers into a great sub-plot with the end drawing closer. Throughout this series, the writing has been about solving the riddle of their strengths. This issue caps it off with a resounding answer before the last call is made.
Loo gives ample time to focus on the doubt and anxiousness of each member. The facial reactions speak loudly as the torment is taking place. The fallout resonates with fans as the high emotions shine in each panel.
The panels with God and the Bogeyman pop off the page with the excellent coloring by Alleyne. The closing image is perfect as it bookends the original series themes.
Loo presents an excellent full page panel bringing everything together before tearing it apart in the next chapter.
With a fateful trip into confronting their fears, the family of the All-Nighter gives readers a memorable chapter before its’ finale. Zdarsky’s superb writing brings the fear front and center. Loo’s impressive art captures the essence of the family’s drive so special. It’s a bittersweet lead into what will be an instant classic finale.
Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on The All-Nighter #14. Thanks for reading Parlay points on nerd initiative!