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The Alternates #4 – Everyone is their own worst enemy


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Creative Team: 

Script: Patton Oswalt, Jordan Blum, & Tim Seeley; Art: Christopher Mitten & Tess Fowler; Colors: Ian Herring & Tess Fowler; Letters: Nate Piekos of Blambot; Cover A & C: Scott Hepburn & Ian Herring; Cover B: Tim Seeley & Ian Herring.

The Alternates, from Dark Horse Comics

The comic, The Alternates, is a 4 issue spinoff of Minor Threats. While you don’t need to read one to enjoy the other, it definitely deepens the story in a way you’ll want to experience once you get a taste for this world.

We last saw our group of unique, hilarious, and tragic superheroes facing possibly their biggest threat yet: their doppelgangers. Their current mission has been to stop a drug called the Prestige which allows people to get a taste for The Ledge. The Ledge is a place our Alternates went to but never truly left behind. The Alternates are a support group first, and superhero team second. However, while struggling with day to day life, they still feel a responsibility to protect everyone from the Prestige. 

Check out the Review for Issue 3.

The Alternates from Dark Horse Comics.
All images by Dark Horse Comics.

The Story for Issue #4

Each issue we have learned a bit of a backstory to one of ‘The Alternates.’ In the first 3 issues, these back stories made me sympathize with each character while getting to know them and their history a bit more. Issue 4 went in a different direction with Kid Curious. His experience in The Ledge allowed him to turn off any sense of morality, and completely silence his Jiminy Cricket. However, we then learn these doppelgangers that have showed up are much more than they seem, and Kid Curious may be the only one who can truly understand and solve “the equation” of it all. 

All images from Dark Horse Comics.

The twist in this last issue was one I definitely did not see coming. It forces The Alternates to quickly experience a moment of literal and metaphorical reflection, while realizing their “support group” just might be the strongest attribute their superhero team has. They were training all along, and had no idea. 

The Art

The art in this comic has been pure eye candy from cover to cover. The details, colors, and the contrasting of different dimensions/realities helps to make this truly a fun and dark superhero tale. 

The Alternates 4 Rating: 9/10

Throughout this issue, we also got to see this team of misfits naturally work together for the first time. It was a great way to wrap up this story, while still leaving so much more story to potentially be told! The Alternates now seem more conflicted than ever before, however strangely more at peace as well. If you’re looking for an out there, unique take on superheroes, The Alternates is the one to pick up. 

Lauren is half of Hops GEEK News: a weekly podcast that discusses all things geek pop culture, while enjoying a craft beer of the week. They also interview many different people from the comic book world and beyond.

Lauren is half of the podcast: Hops GEEK News. It’s a weekly podcast that discusses all things geek pop culture, while enjoying a craft beer of the week. They also interview many different people from the comic book world and beyond.

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