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Nice Jewish Boys #2 by Neil Kleid, John Broglia, Ellie Wright and Sarah Litt (Credit: Comixology Originals)

Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, we are following along the interesting times of Jake Levin via Comixology Originals. What started out as a job opportunity for a struggling writer has evolved into something else. Now deeper into the mess he’s apart of, Jake needs to act fast before sinking further int danger.

Nice Jewish Boys #2 by Neil Kleid, John Broglia, Ellie Wright and Sarah Litt presents readers a picture of organized chaos through crime. Let’s take a closer peek at what’s happening now.



Jake Levin thought his long-time friend Chaim Davidovits, was helping him out when Chaim offered him a job writing promotions for his kosher appetizing stores. However, as the saying goes, if its too good to be true, it is.

One night, Jake went back to the office for his cell phone. When he walked in, he became an accessory to murder!

At this moment, Jake became entangled in Chaim’s organized crime business. Making matters worse is Lenny Klein. Klein is another childhood friend who now is working with the FBI to take down the business at Chaim’s shops. Where does Jake go from here?

Nice Jewish Boys #2 by Neil Kleid, John Broglia, Ellie Wright and Sarah Litt (Credit: Comixology Originals)

This issue begins with Shloime Garbstein, Chaim’s mashgiach (one who oversees the Kashruth condition of food in a restaurant), and associates going through stolen property and money laundered.

Jake is shown as going through the books and making sure the “Avodah” (work). Readers see how this isn’t something that jak had even planned to happen. They also start seeing the slow seduction of wealth beginning in Jake.

This is a far cry from a previous chat with Jake and Lenny. Lenny lays out his plan to go after Netanel Stern (business associate of Chaim). With Jake’s head spinning, readers see how further divided he has become with his childhood friends.

How does he react when he sees Chaim after this? The next sop at the shop leads Jake into an assignment he might not be ready for.

With tension filling the air, will Jake rise to the occasion or get crushed by its’ weight? Readers quickly see how Jake adapts to the world he’s now in but is he ready for what’s next? If the final page is any indication, Jake’s world just got even more complicated…

Nice Jewish Boys #2 by Neil Kleid, John Broglia, Ellie Wright and Sarah Litt (Credit: Comixology Originals)

Kleid continues to put Jake through the rising challenges of his new world. Being an unlikely “gangster”, Kleid showcases Jake’s awkwardness to his fellow “teammates”.

Blending in the fear and anxiousness forces Jake into near breakdowns. Once he understands the assignment, Jake shifts gears into leaning a certain direction as Chaim plays more as a “devil on his shoulder” with what the life of crime can offer.

The closing moments adds a huge factor into Jake’s life. It also adds a deeper cut into Jake’s life as he tries to stop his world from spinning further out of control.

Broglia and Wright teeter Jake’s reactions from surprise wonderment to growing anxiousness. This begins right after the full page panel of Shloime addressing not only his crew, but the audience with “I Believe In God”.

After that moment, Jake tries fighting the appeal of his new stat-quo.

Once the assignment is completed, Jake and Chaim’s conversation proves to be reflective of the uncertainty of their business.

This leads to a solid parting image further complicating things for the lead who’s in way over his head already.


The balancing act of Jake Levin continues to impress in Comixology Originals’ latest crime drama. Kleid’s strong writing takes readers deeper into the challenges of being a criminal and caring family man. Brolia, Wright and Litt elevates the scenarios unfolding making this a story you won’t want to pass up on New Comic Book day.

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know your thoughts on Nice Jewish Boys #2. Thanks for reading Parlay Points on Nerd initiative!

Ken M.
Ken M.
Executive Producer/Host of the ODPH (Ocho Duro Parlay Hour) Podcast. Ken is also Nerd Initiative's Comics Editor-In-Chief/Brand Advisor and host of "Turn A Page". Ken is also a freelance Pro Wrestling Blogger and an all around fan of Sports, Movies Tv, Comics and Pro Wrestling

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