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VOID RIVALS #5 by Robert Kirkman, Lorenzo De Felici, Patricio Delpeche and Rus Wooton (Credit: Skybound Entertainment and Image Comics)


Creative Team: Robert Kirkman (Writer), Lorenzo De Felici (Artist), Patricio Delpeche (Colorist) and Rus Wooton (Letters)

Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay points, the comic book review blog for the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, we are diving back into the Energon Universe with arguably the breakout title of 2023. Since it’s debut, the story of Darak and Solila has been a huge hit with fans. Nearing the completion of its’ first arc, there are many questions to where the unlikely duo heads next. With the addition of Transformers and the upcoming G.I. Joe related books, there is no doubt that the story is just getting started.

VOID RIVALS #5 by Robert Kirkman, Lorenzo De Felici, Patricio Delpeche and Rus Wooton raises the stakes as a homecoming might not be so welcome. Let’s take a closer look and see what’s happening now, shall we?

VOID RIVALS #5 by Robert Kirkman, Lorenzo De Felici, Patricio Delpeche and Rus Wooton (Credit: Skybound Entertainment and Image Comics – Cover: Jae Lee)


The issue begins with both Darak and Solila being detained on Zertonia. When Solila thought she was making a deal returning to her home, it turns out there was more double-crossing to be had. Darak is assessing the danger they’re in while Solila is processing what’s next. Readers see the pair try reasoning the situation before Darak is led away for interrogation.

Meanwhile, Solila is visited by a surprise figure: Mistress Vill. Readers quickly find out there is a connection between the two as Solila is reffered to as a “Keeper Of The Light”. This does bother her as she pleads she has no ties to anyone. The conversation concludes with a new possible direction for Solila in light of recent actions.

As for Darak, his imprisonment continues and hope looks bleak. He keeps a good front but the torture wears on him. Darak’s luck might have changed as some help appears in an unlikely place.

How do the pair survive what’s next? Readers see more players enter the game of control as the story progresses.

With mounting stakes, the unlikely pair have their destinies in their own hands. What path will they choose? If the final pages are any indications, the secrets of the Sacred Ring are about to explode!

VOID RIVALS #5 by Robert Kirkman, Lorenzo De Felici, Patricio Delpeche and Rus Wooton (Credit: Skybound Entertainment and Image Comics – Cover: Conor Hughes)

Just when readers think they know the answers, Kirkman switches up the questions. The mystery surrounding Solila drives the main focus of this issue. Returning home, there is a sense of danger and grave consequences after her initial arrival. With the introduction of Mistress Vill, Kirkman constructs an engaging situation for the book’s most enigmatic character.

Equal billing is also shown to Darak’s new direction. The reveals of where he is heading now is an exciting change to the story. With the addition of many new players, the direction of the book can shift gears easily. Both roads look to lead back to a confrontation and this is nothing but win for the readers.

De Felici and Delpeche present the tensious mood between the leading pair with very noteworthy visuals. The opening scene in detainment is a strong moment with the body language reflecting the trouble they are in. The conversation plays out well with the mannerisms being showcased through their masks.

There are some great Transformers influenced pages to break up the story which long time fans of the “Robots In Disguise” will be excited to see. Darak’s story escalades quickly and the art team gives the readers a climbing theme of anxiousness to see where he heads now. The closing moments tie both characters’ new directions together, ending the issue with much to break down.


The universe of Void Rivals grows with more combustible elements thrown in the mix. Kirkman, De Felici and the team present new consequences for Solila’s actions with fantastic writing and art. The series heads into unknown territory and this issue is one you simply can’t afford to miss on New Comic Book Day!

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know your thoughts on Void Rivals #5. Thanks for reading Parlay Points on Nerd Initiative!


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Ken M.
Ken M.
Executive Producer/Host of the ODPH (Ocho Duro Parlay Hour) Podcast. Ken is also Nerd Initiative's Comics Editor-In-Chief/Brand Advisor and host of "Turn A Page". Ken is also a freelance Pro Wrestling Blogger and an all around fan of Sports, Movies Tv, Comics and Pro Wrestling

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