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The Savage Strength of StarStorm #6 – A DANGEROUS CHOICE


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The Savage Strength of StarStorm #6 by Image Comics

CREATIVE: Drew Craig and Jason Finestone

Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, the throwback superhero saga of Grant Garrison heads into a breaking point with its’ latest chapter via Image Comics. Since its’ debut, the story has introduced a wide variety of characters and given fans a renewed sense of classic superhero storytelling.

The Savage Strength of StarStorm #6 by Drew Craig and Jason Finestone leads Grant and company into an epic showdown. With the fate of the universe on the line, let’s take a closer look and see how things pan out, shall we?


The Savage Strength of StarStorm #6 by Drew Craig and Jason Finestone (Credit: Image Comics – Cover: Wes Craig)


After the Omega Squadron rescued Grant, Jen and Eli, they were informed of an alien Vanguard coming to Earth. Being recruited into the upcomin battle, The resistance secret base was compromised with the heroes escaping and on the run.

With the city left in shambles, readers open to see Bolt, Kid Bolt and Paaldin running away from the forces of Evil invading. Luckily for them, they run into more re-inforcements.

All the while, the trio of Grant, Eli and Jen escape with Ren and find out his true origin. Readers get plenty of information as the mystery of Grant starts coming together. Hard choices are forthcoming. Can Grant make the right ones to win the war or protect the people he cares about? As the war rages onward, every decision leads to higher stakes.

There is plenty of action as showdowns long built finally appear. When the smoke clears, the ending of this issue will throw readers for a loop as more secrets are revealed. The future of Grant Garrison looks to change course yet again and that’s nothing but a win for readers.

The ever expanding universe Dew Craig has created grows further with this arc ending chapter. It is always impressive to see how many original characters appear in each issue but this one might be a record breaker. With the feeling of intergalactic war looming, it fits the story perfectly and gives it a serious tone.

The revelations surrounding Grant and his powers also make big impact as he gets thrown tough calls that his inexperience might not be ready for.

All of this leads to a closing act which no reader will see coming. It’s paced well with the action not to slip under the radar as one chapter closes and a brand new one looks to begin.

Craig and Firestone add in great two page spreads. When readers think “War”, the art doesn’t falter in presenting that aspect of the story. There’s a great one page spread introducing more characters before all hell breaks loose with the battle of good versus the Draigonian Empire.

The complimenting two page full spread is sure to be a hit with fans. The closing moments throws everything in reverse as Grant’s decisions change the course of the book as the chapter ends.


The opening arc for Grant Garrison closes on a solid note with an issue that brings the action. Craig and Finestone construct big action and high drama as the strength of Starstorm might not be enough to carry the weight of the universe in his hands. Make sure to check this issue out on New Comic Books Day!

Hit me up on ODPH Social media and let me know your thoughts on Savage Strength of Starstorm #6. Thanks for reading Parlay points on Nerd Initiative!


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Ken M.
Ken M.
Executive Producer/Host of the ODPH (Ocho Duro Parlay Hour) Podcast. Ken is also Nerd Initiative's Comics Editor-In-Chief/Brand Advisor and host of "Turn A Page". Ken is also a freelance Pro Wrestling Blogger and an all around fan of Sports, Movies Tv, Comics and Pro Wrestling

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