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Tag: Sci-Fi comics

Renner, a thriller featuring Frankie Muniz as a computer genius, explores the complexities of artificial intelligence and human emotion through a gripping narrative.
With Bluey and the cuteness overload, one would think that's it's not possible to get 'Bluey' fatigue - but alas, it's possible (or maybe it's just me). I think it's more that the clips are so...

The Savage Strength of StarStorm #6 – A DANGEROUS CHOICE

The Savage Strength of StarStorm #6 by Image Comics CREATIVE: Drew Craig and Jason Finestone Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic...

Star Trek: Defiant #7 – The Day Of Blood Continues

Kahless II is slaughtering his way across the galaxy with his Red Path followers. Some of our favorite Star Trek characters from across multiple different series...

Firefly: The Fall Guys #1 – Crime Of The Century

Luckily for us, Boom! Studios is here keeping the fire burning for Firefly fans both new and old. We may not be getting any new episodes any time soon, but we can rest easy...


BATTLE CHASERS #11 - IMAGE COMICS Creative: Joe Madureira and LUDO LULLABI Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog...

NOSTALGIA #1 -When The Music Stops, Life Begins Again

Hoffman presents a unique vision of life after music with the current issue. Craig comes across as a multi-layered character. Hoffman’s connection with...

STARSTORM #1 – Vintage Kirby Sci-Fi In A Modern Time

Meanwhile on earth, a young man by the name of Grant Garrison is preparing to brave the dangers of High School. His past seems to be in...

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