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BIRDS OF PREY #2 review – Paths paved with good intentions


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BIRDS OF PREY #2 by Kelly Thompson, Leonardo Romero, Jordie Bellaire and Clayton Cowles (CREDIT: DC Comics)

Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, we’re following along the latest mission involving one of DC Comics most legendary teams. After putting together an incredible roster last issue, Black Canary looks to try pulling off an impossible feat with the fate of the world in the balance. Just another day at the office, right?

BIRDS OF PREY #2 by Kelly Thompson, Leonardo Romero, Jordie Bellaire and Clayton Cowles wastes no time giving readers much to discuss with this initial arc. Let’s take a closer look and see what unfolds now, shall we?



The story begins in Bhutan years ago. Dinah Lance aka Black Canary, is having a private moment with her “sister” Sin over campfire. The chatter is calm as the pair is bonding, while facing the complicated situation that they are in. It closes peacefully with some fin moments before the reality sinks in.

Birds Of Prey #2 – Kelly Thompson, Leonardo Romero, Jordie Bellaire and Clayton Cowles (Credit: DC Comics – Cover: David Nakayama)
Birds Of Prey #2 – Kelly Thompson, Leonardo Romero, Jordie Bellaire and Clayton Cowles (Credit: DC Comics – Cover: David Nakayama)

That reality leads to Gotham City. Dinah has assembled a new Birds of Prey team comprised of Zealot, Big Bartha, Batgirl and Harley Quinn. Their mission is not an easy one. Sin is on the Island of Themyscira. Dinah tries explaining how this is just a simple recon mission but others have doubts. One of which is Zealot, who leaves the room after misreading the vibe in the room. Cooler heads prevail and the explanation of the plan is at hand. Sin is part of a deadly scheme of evil forces which if the new team fails, the body counts will rise for the Amazons.


With the current state of world affairs, going to Themyscira will not be easy. Leave it to the wild card of the team to have an idea how to sneak in and out of the island. Can this team do it? Readers come along for the ride as a few surprise guests jump on-board on the quest to save Sin. Leave it to the closing moments to ensure the latest Birds Of Prey team might have more on their hands that they bargained for.

Birds Of Prey #2 – Kelly Thompson, Leonardo Romero, Jordie Bellaire and Clayton Cowles (Credit: DC Comics – Cover: Chris Bachalo)

Thompson gives readers a solid balance of drama and light-hearted moments with the team’s dangerous mission looming in the background. The personalities on this team may not scream teamwork just yet, but there have been flashes of why they have been put together. Thompson writes Zealot as the possible breakout star of this book. Zealot is stand-offish and very serious about her thoughts.

The conversations with both Dinah and Harley in this issue reflect that. There is much behind her actions that readers will have a vested interest with. Seeing Dinah bring in extra help steadily adds more layers to the story at hand. Once the team gets rolling, there are some great moments that readers will enjoy as they come along for the adventure.


Romero and Bellaire showcase the personal toll that this mission is taking on Dinah. The opening flashback sequence is easy-going and mirrors the bond between Dinah and Sin for all readers. Once the story swings back to the present, the panels feature the stress compounding about what is being asked of them. The reactions vary but none more so than Dinah.

These visuals are perfectly countered by Harley’s assessment of what needs to be done. This leads the team into the beginnings of their mission. There are some great action panels but none will jump out more than an excellent two page spread of the squad in action. The closing moments end this chapter on an excellent note with much to be excited to see moving forward.


With stakes being this high, readers know there is no easy route from Point A to Point B. Thompson, Romero and the team bring excellent writing and art to the newly formed team within this chapter. There’s much to enjoy as events are building for a huge event. Jump on board now and don’t miss this on New Comic Book Day!

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know your thoughts on Birds Of Prey #2. Thanks for reading Parlay Points on Nerd Initiative!


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Ken M.
Ken M.
Executive Producer/Host of the ODPH (Ocho Duro Parlay Hour) Podcast. Ken is also Nerd Initiative's Comics Editor-In-Chief/Brand Advisor and host of "Turn A Page". Ken is also a freelance Pro Wrestling Blogger and an all around fan of Sports, Movies Tv, Comics and Pro Wrestling

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