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THE PENGUIN #2 review – A Battle Of the bad guys


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THE PENGUIN 2 by Tom King, Rafael De Latorre, Marcelo Maiolo and Clayton Cowles (Credit: DC Comics – Cover: David Marquez & Brad Anderson)

THE PENGUIN 2 by DC Comics

Creative: Tom King, Rafael De Latorre, Marcelo Maiolo and Clayton Cowles

Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, we are returning to Gotham City to follow-up on the latest from Oswald Cobblepot via DC Comics. Last we saw him, the former crime lord was enjoying life away in a new stat quo, but nothing lasts forever. The king of the Gotham Underworld has now returned home under the “advisement” of the U.S. Government. After last issue’s explosive introduction, the road to reclamation has become a must read!

THE PENGUIN 2 by Tom King, Rafael De Latorre, Marcelo Maiolo and Clayton Cowles welcomes readers into the next phase of his return. Let’s tag along and see how things unfold from here, shall we?


THE PENGUIN 2 by Tom King, Rafael De Latorre, Marcelo Maiolo and Clayton Cowles (Credit: DC Comics – Cover: Darick Robertson)

The issue opens up with a car pulling up to a mansion in Gotham. Coming out of the car is Oswald Cobblepot aka The Penguin. The narration reads as someone has found some sort of calm after years of service. That voice belong to The Help, who readers met during Batman: Killing Time.

The message is sent that The Penguin has arrived. The Help accommodates the meeting and hears the sales pitch. While over dinner. The Help explains he is dis-interested in what The Penguin is planning. Once he laughs at the notion, Oswalt’s demeanor changes ever so slightly. The offer is pressed more but The Help walks away. It is the battle of wills as one refuses to bend for the other.


Readers see that Oswalt leaves an ominous message to one of the butlers in the house that plays into the message he is giving all of Gotham: The King has returned!

What will the Penguin do from here? The story switches gears as the “honor amongst Thieves” motto is heavily strained between the two figures. An event starts a domino effect that can’t be stopped. Once the third act hits, there is little question of the resolution. The parting page puts a big exclamation point on a strong second issue.

THE PENGUIN 2 by Tom King, Rafael De Latorre, Marcelo Maiolo and Clayton Cowles (Credit: DC Comics – Cover: Otto Schmidt)

King doesn’t delay in driving the point home that the Penguin is back. King sets up the meeting of “colleagues” with a tense overture. The dialogue reflects how far The Penguin’s legacy is being upheld. However, a key moment sends everything into another level.

Playing of Oswalt’s esteem issues, once The Help laughs at the offer, the mood changes and becomes a deadly game. The latter half is well crafted so once readers arrive at its’ peak moment, the payoff is huge. If here was any question of how dangerous the Penguin can be, this issue should put any other notions to rest.


De Latorre and Maiolo keep a brooding tone throughout the panels of the book. The initial meeting featured a wide variety of facial expressions ranging from The Help’s arrogance to Oswalt’s anger and cunning to the laughing moment.

Once the middle act begins, there is a strong full page visual to show one side of Oswalt, only to be debunked later with a gorgeous two-page full spread that screams “checkmate” to the game the leads are playing. The closing pages shadow that image bringing the book to a noteworthy conclusion.


King, De Latorre and the team don’t miss a beat with another fantastic issue of the return of Gotham’s Crime King. Superb writing orchestrates a plot that deceptively keeps readers guessing with exceptional art. The series has come out of the gate swinging and you don’t want to miss your chance picking it up.

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know your thoughts on The Penguin #2. Thanks for reading Parlay Points on Nerd Initiative.


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Ken M.
Ken M.
Executive Producer/Host of the ODPH (Ocho Duro Parlay Hour) Podcast. Ken is also Nerd Initiative's Comics Editor-In-Chief/Brand Advisor and host of "Turn A Page". Ken is also a freelance Pro Wrestling Blogger and an all around fan of Sports, Movies Tv, Comics and Pro Wrestling

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