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GRIM #12 from Stephanie Phillips, Flaviano, Rico Renzi & Tom Napolitano (Credit: Boom! Studios)


CREATIVE: Stephanie Phillips, Flaviano, Rico Renzi & Tom Napolitano

Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this edition, the coolest book at the LCS has returned for another arc via BOOM! Studios. The story of Jessica Harrow came back with a big return last month. Now with things looking very dire, an unexpected offer was made that could literally change everything.

GRIM #12 from Stephanie Phillips, Flaviano, Rico Renzi & Tom Napolitano ushers in the next chapter of the latest story. Let’s take a closer look and see what’s going on, shall we?


GRIM #12 from Stephanie Phillips, Flaviano, Rico Renzi & Tom Napolitano (Credit: Boom! Studios)

Currently, life for Jessica Harrow isn’t exactly going all so well. After a series of events following the deadly battle between The End and Death, people stopped dying. This lead to the Reaper’s powers starting to fade.

However, “The enemy of my enemy is my friend” has become Adira’s motto now. Annabel is trying to unleash an evil as payment for betraying Jessica and using Jessica’s friend Marcel’s soul as payment to Kelly (a devil). With the pressure rising, Adira visits the pair in their prison and does the unthinkable. Adira is willing to give Jessica Death’s Scythe to handle this looming issue.


With no Death, Adira (Current ruler of the Afterlife & Jessica’s aunt) has been trying to avoid an uprising from the reapers while eliminating the threat to her position as ruler. She made Jessica the prime target for blame. After an assistance from Annabel (a reaper with ambitions of her own), Adira has imprisoned Jessica and fellow reaper Eddie.

Meanwhile, Jessica’s human mother Lilah has escaped prison and is being courted by Life, who wants an amulet in Lilah’s possession. Offering the world hasn’t been enough so far, but he is determined to get it.

This issue starts with a flashback to the initial encounter between Death and Lilah. readers witness how Lilah’s past caught up with her and changed her future forever. Fast forward to the present and Life makes another play for Lilah’s amulet. Just when he thinks he’s got it locked up, Lilah turns the tables on him.

GRIM #12 from Stephanie Phillips, Flaviano, Rico Renzi & Tom Napolitano (Credit: Boom! Studios)

At this same moment, Adira pleads her case to Jessica. During the conversation, something happens with the scythe that no one sees coming!

What happens now? Will Jessica take the deal? Can Lilah continue to deny Life? There is much more to process as the story heads into a new direction that will eave fans guessing at what is about to unfold!

Phillips devotes a big portion into Lilah’s story. Seeing the initial encounter between her and Death starts putting together pieces to the larger puzzle at hand.


The interactions with Life prove there is more going on with her than she is letting known. Since her introduction, she has been a character shrouded in mystery. With this issues structure, readers can start building a strong reaction to her.

Jessica’s current situation is another great swerve to the story at hand. The tension between her and arguably the book’s best character Adira continues to lock readers in. The endgame is very unclear with Adira and that’s nothing but win for fans.

Seeing where Jessica ends up by this issue’s conclusion will keep things exciting until the next issue hits. One guarantee with this series is to always expect the unexpected.

GRIM #12 from Stephanie Phillips, Flaviano, Rico Renzi & Tom Napolitano (Credit: Boom! Studios)

Flaviano and Renzi make a big splash with the art for this issue. The moment that Lilah is shot, the perspective from seeing it through her eyes is a unique visual that readers will feel as the story plays out. The biggest image that will “WOW” readers is a moment with Jessica that gives more clarity about the destiny she is running from.

It is a full page panel that screams in volumes! The final act is another visual hit. Where Jessica lands up and who/what she encounters makes a bold statement with an excellent backdrop. With this series, the art is a sure-fire win each time out.

FINAL POINT: 8.5 OUT of 10

The latest installment of Comics’ favorite reaper dives head-first into the power struggle of the afterlife with a can’t miss issue. Phillips’ excellent writing is complemented by the always impressive art of Flaviano to showcase the dangers unfolding not just for Jessica, but her mother as well. There’s a reason why this is comics’ coolest series at the LCS on New Comic Book Day.

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know your thoughts on Grim #12. Thanks for reading Parlay Points on Nerd Initiative!

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Ken M.
Ken M.
Executive Producer/Host of the ODPH (Ocho Duro Parlay Hour) Podcast. Ken is also Nerd Initiative's Comics Editor-In-Chief/Brand Advisor and host of "Turn A Page". Ken is also a freelance Pro Wrestling Blogger and an all around fan of Sports, Movies Tv, Comics and Pro Wrestling

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