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CREATIVE: KEANU REEVES, Steve Skroce, Dave Stewart and Ed Dukeshire.
Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast.
For this entry, we are returning to the BRZRKR universe from BOOM! Studios for an all new adventure. The story of B aka Unute just wrapped up its’ debut run but that was far from the conclusion of the character. With projects tagged to Netflix still in the works (pre SGA strike), there is much for fans to look forward to.
Leading the way is BRZRKR: POETRY OF MADNESS by KEANU REEVES (“John Wick”, “The Matrix”), Steve Skroce, Dave Stewart and Ed Dukeshire. Where do the adventures of Unute take readers this time? Let’s take a closer look and see how this Kickstarter project to LCS staple shapes up!
Editor Note: If you are new to the series, BRZRKR is an ultra-violent series and some panels aren’t suitable for a younger audience. Discretion is advised.
The story begins in Atlantis. A narrator explains for the mystique of Atlantis’ riches have brought out some unsavory characters trying to claim the resources for their own. Zubatai (The Narrator) greets the army storming the gates. She gives them a warning if they proceeed. The savages laugh it off. Zubatai responds with unleashing the King’s Guard: the half Man, half Mortal, All Killing force of nature known as Unute, the Berserker!
One man verses thousands doesn’t sound like fair odds. However, it’s not fair odds for the thousands. The violence is unleashed as Unute takes the fight to the invaders in graphic fashion. When the conflict finally ends, it is Unute as the last man standing.
As he is paraded around the city to a hero’s welcome, Unute is greeted by King Azaes, whom they share a pivotal moment with the readers. Lurking in the background is Visane, a priest who Unute sense danger around.
Later in the evening, Unute stumbles upon a robbery of highly important objects. With the preist looks as the prime suspect, unute makes his way to confront him.
Once he arrives, Unute walks into a surprise situation that leads to nothing but trouble. What dangers have been unlocked? Can Unute stop them? What will be the future of the Kingdom now? Readers get set for another does of drama and ultra violence as Unute does what he does best. The conclusion brings a definite close to what should be a pleasing tale for fans from this series.
BRZRKR: POETRY OF MADNESS by KEANU REEVES, Steve Skroce, Dave Stewart and Ed Dukeshire (Cover: Travis Charest – Art Credit: Boom! Studios)
Reeves doesn’t stray too far from the formula of previous issues of the brutal saga. If anything, this story has more moments of light-hearted dialogue than in recent memory. There is a bit of random swearing mixed in that works for some scenes but feels awkward in other stages.
Unute still connects as a troubled force of nature. Reeves scatters in more “human” elements with the flashback sequences of him filling in as a “father-Figure” to King Azaes. This plays heavy into the closing act, which ties up all loose ends before its’ conclusion.
Readers who want the big action will not be let down as Reeves delivers on those larger-than-life times for a good majority of this issue. There’s absolutely nothing wrong as any long time reader of the series knows. If you want action, look no further.
Skroce steps in for art duties and spares no expense with the sheer brutality of Unute. The initial onslaught is a graphic two-page spread that readers witness limbs torn and cut off.
Normally, this might be a bit much, but this fits Unute’s world to the letter. Skroce focus on the details of Unute’s regeneration as he heals up from the viciousness of battle. The gradual progression gives readers a sense of how things work concerning Unute.
They are gifted a wild scenario for the final battle. Unute’s big opponent gives the box office sense of epic once it enters the story. Even with the noticeable difference in structure, the battle brings the same energy as only a BRZRKER story can. Great final one page panel to wrap things up with until we see Unute appear again.
Unute’s return after the debut series conclusion sends the title character into a familiar realm. Reeves pens the story with a sense of action leading its way. Skroce and the team bring the vividly imaginative tale to life with unforgiving fight scenes fitting for the half-man, half god. If you’re a fan of BRZRKR, you won’t be disappointed with this issue.
Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know your thoughts of BRZRKR: Poetry Of Madness. Thanks for reading Parlay Points on Nerd Initiative.