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CREATIVE TEAM: Jeff Lemire, Gabriel H. Walta, Jordie Bellaire and Steve Wands

Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast.

For this entry, we’re diving further into the mystery surrounding Dom and Birdie’s highway to Hell in the pages of Image Comics’ hit new series. PHANTOM ROAD #4 by Jeff Lemire, Gabriel H. Walta, Jordie Bellaire and Steve Wands picks up where the reluctant pair are heading now and the latest addition to the mix ended up after last issue’s shocking ending. Let’s not delay any longer and take a closer look, shall we?


Dom and Birdie’s paths crossed on a fateful night when a mysterious object turned their worlds upside down. Crossing over into a mirrored dimension with faceless figures coming for the powerful object, the pair is trying to make some kind of sense of everything. Last time readers saw them, they were running from the law after killing a faceless figure, who turned human shortly after.

The case is drawing more attention with the addition of FBI agent Theresa Weaver into the mix. Weaver starts putting things together and it appears there is a personal connection to the case. Unfortunately, Weaver is kidnapped from her hotel room by a masked assailant.



This issue picks up with Dom and Birdie still on the run (editor note: The pair wasn’t featured in issue #3). The conversation is small talk but reassures the readers that they still have a plan on what to do with the object.

The story shifts to the alternate dimension with a young girl standing in the path of the faceless. With a reassuring voice telling her to remain calm, she looks back at the pack before snapping back to our reality. The girl is actually FBI agent Theresa Weaver. Weaver is detained in an empty room. A masked man comes in and starts interrogating her.

What secrets are revealed during this conversation? What is “Project Jackknife”? Readers get more insight on the personal connection of the case to Agent Weaver, with information that even she doesn’t know. The final moments present more tension and uneasiness as the closing moments showcase all actions come with a grave cost.

Story Review


Lemire gives more balance to all the major players with the events of this issue. Dom and Birdie’s “partnership” is one that continues to be uneasy. Both have secrets in their pasts that block them from fully trusting the other. This plays well building towards one’s actions and the repercussions following it. The Agent Weaver portion of the book will be the one fans are most talking about. The interrogation levels new insight on the agent while giving the whole case a much bigger feel. Pacing worked well to give each story time to grow for a big impact before ending the issue.

Looking for more from Image Comics?

Artwork Overview

Walta’s art doesn’t shy away from the fatigue wearing on both Dom and Birdie. Their expressions during their conversation paints a bigger picture of how they’re truly feeling in the moment. Agent Weaver’s portion of the book comes across blunt and to the point, much like the scene plays out. The panels demonstrate a solid back and forth with the questioning with well placed jumps to the past mixed in. There’s a gritty, dark feel throughout the pages which adds more layers to the deeper story at hand. Excellent closing panels to send readers on to the next issue.


The mystery grows deeper with secrets revealed and actions taken with grave consequences. Lemire, Walta and the team take readers down the supernatural road with excellent writing and art. You won’t want to miss this series at the local comic shops!

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know what you thought of Phantom Road #4. Thanks for reading PARLAY POINTS on Nerd Initiative.

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Ken M.
Ken M.
Executive Producer/Host of the ODPH (Ocho Duro Parlay Hour) Podcast. Ken is also Nerd Initiative's Comics Editor-In-Chief/Brand Advisor and host of "Turn A Page". Ken is also a freelance Pro Wrestling Blogger and an all around fan of Sports, Movies Tv, Comics and Pro Wrestling

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