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Night of the Slashers #1 – Welcome to Kill Creek, Population Minus You


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What would happen if Night of the Living Dead had a love child with Night of the Demons? You would get this brand-new book from Magma Comix! When the sun goes down in Hill Creek, bed bugs biting is the least of your worries.

Credit: Magma Comix

Night of the Slashers #1

Written By: Cavan Scott

Art By: Paul Fry

Letters By: Shawn Lee

Edited By: Bobby Curnow

Published By: Magma Comix

***Minor Spoilers Possible***

“Not Unless if I Kill You First”

Night of the Slashers #1 opens a year prior with a young lady running to get home from hanging out with her boyfriend. She’s late for curfew and there seems to be a rush for some unseen reason. Just as she arrives home, her fate is sealed with an arrow from a grotesque monster.

Fast forward to present day. A bus with high school students on it gets diverted to the town of Hill Creek after a log blocks the road they are on. Once there some flat tires force them to stay the night in town at the Inn. Everything about this town seems strange, but it will only get stranger. As the night envelops the town, the students discover a horrible truth about Hill Creek.

“Who Needs Doors…We Do”

Cavan Scott does an excellent job of world building in this first issue of Night of the Slashers. He not only builds up this town of Hill Creek, and the crazy happenings. But he also does a great job of developing our main characters. He gives us a reason to care and have different emotions tied to them.

The art in this book is very cool. Paul Fry does a great job of making this book look like a throw back to genre classics, well giving an updated and modern feel. The colors are gloomy and give the impression that something bad is going to happen on every panel. My personal favorite pieces of art in this issue are the kills. They are graphic and really capture that slasher feel.

My only minor issue with this book, is that some of it felt rushed. We go from a mysterious and cool flashback open. To an awesome character and story build. But then instead of slowing down and building the mystery some more, the story just gives away a little too much. It is not lost on me that there is still a lot of mystery and story to be revealed and can’t wait to read more. However, just felt like the ending, even though it was cool and had a cliffhanger, it was just a little rushed compared to the slower build of the first parts of the issue.

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Final Thoughts

Night of the Slashers #1 is a great read and is an excellent starting point for what should be an awesome run. Even with my minor issue with this first book, I can’t wait to read issue 2. If you are a fan of horror comics or just horror in general, get down to your LCS and add this to your Pull List NOW!

Final Grade: 9.5/10

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Richard Coryell
Richard Coryell
Head of NI Wrestling Host of Wrestling Night Live Host of the 3FN Podcast

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