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TMNT: Nightwatcher #2 A New Power From Community


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How did Jennika become Nightwatcher?! This issue explores the recent past of the turtle, including the pain and tribulations associated with finding her place in this world. Jennika finds some clarity smack dab in the middle of a hostage situation! How she takes up the mantle will more than surprise you!

Courtesy of IDW Pub. Cover art by Fero Peniche.

Who is the Nightwatcher Really?

Now that the secret is out we can finally discuss the secret identity of the Nightwatcher without any spoiler warnings. The reveal of Jennika being under the mask was quite a shock, but in a great way! Now, we get a look into her recent past and how she took up the mantle!

When Jennika is arrested for eating up some petty thugs, her arresting officer takes pity on her. After bringing up what she and the other Turtles had done for this city, he’s surprised how far Jennika had fallen. Before he cold get her to safe place, a hostage situation requires his help. Jennika feels like she can help, so she gives him the slip to pursue the perpetrator.

See the big reveal of Nightwatcher in issue #1!

Where Did the Nightwatcher Armor Come From?

It’s here that we learn that everything isn’t as it seems, and a familiar set of armor shows itself. Jennika will have to make a tough desicion and trust a concerned citizen who is only trying to help. What will happen when she tosses off the weight of her past, gives herself over to something greater, and finds new purpose?

A Community at the Heart of Nightwatcher

Courtesy of IDW Publishing. Cover art by Jon Lankry.

Juni Ba is building something special here. I wasn’t sure what to think after issue #1, but I can tell you that I’m all in now after the backstory in issue #2. I love his exploration of Mutant Town and how these beings are protective and empathetic of one another. Ba navigates Jennika’s place in this community, putting us in the passenger seat of what it’s really like for her.

I don’t really want to spoil the specific way that Jennika becomes the Nightwatcher, but I was really engaged in the reveal. Juni Ba uses a very surprising spiritual legend to give us another layer to the character and the mantle and it works perfectly.

This Artwork Brings The Streets to the Page

Fero Peniche and Luis Antonio Delgado do such a great job of capturing that grounded, gritty feeling you get from early issues of TMNT with a polished touch. Honestly it really reminds me of graffiti in a sense. The artwork feels like it takes inspiration from street artists.

We get a fantastic design for this huge, hulking, and terrifying creature. The shading and use of black was a really nice touch. When Jennika dons the armor for the first time it looks a little crude and makeshift, but that’s the charm of it! I loves all of the straps and strings holding it one her body and the “X-Ray” images of her face inside the mask!

What’s going on with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles?

Everything Points to 9/10

Nightwatcher is really shaping up to be a great series! Jennika is a fantastic character who’s arc is being well cared for by Juni Ba. This story is shaping up to be about community and losing ones self in the whole. The artwork is well balanced. Clean lines lend themselves to a gritty, street level story packed with dynamic action. Peniche captures the softness and aggression that constantly shifts in this issue.

Mickey Smith
Mickey Smith
Mickey, also known as “cellphone_wallet_keys" or C.W. Keys began his humble path to nerdom in front of a television set back in 1985. Since then, it’s been a true love of all things related to heroes and fantastic stories, whether it be movies, comic books, action figures, and video games. Mickey is the Movie Voice Guy for The Reel Study and a contributing content creator here at The Nerd Initiative.

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