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New Champions #3
Writer – Steve Foxe
Artist – Ivan Fiorelli
Colorist – Arthur Hesli
Letterer – Travis Lanham
Cover Artists – Todd Nauck and Rachelle Rosenberg
Read the review of the last issue in this series here!
The Story:
The New Champions adopted a name that didn’t belong to them and The Champions have something to say about it! However, when an old enemy reappears the two teams must work together to defeat a common threat.
The Writing:
Steve Foxe continues to impress with a large cast of characters, each having a unique voice. When a large group of newer heroes are being written, it’s easy for them to blend together and to forget who each one is. However, Foxe has been putting in excellent work to differentiate these young superheroes. With each issue, the New Champions are being developed into interesting and engaging characters. While I came into this series with no previous knowledge of any of this group, with each issue I am enjoying these characters more and more. While Foxe has done a wonderful job with this new team, he gets to show off his understanding of a group of young superheroes that I am very familiar with in The Champions. The Champions felt like the characters that I know and love and the interactions with the new team were entertaining and incredibly enjoyable.
The Art:
The art team of Ivan Fiorelli and Arthur Hesli continue to shine in this issue. The number of characters on the page and the bombastic nature of this issue could have led to a jumbled mess, however, the panels were crisp and the action was clear. The New Champions looked great going up against and teaming up with The Champions! The final page tease was a fantastic bit of artwork that got me excited for the next issue! The cover art by Todd Nauck and Rachelle Rosenberg showed off the wild nature of this story and is a real thing of beauty.
Overall Grade: 9/10
This series continues it’s upward trend with another solid outing. From story to artwork this was just an absolute blast to read. I’m looking forward to more of this creative team and this team of young fresh superheroes!
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