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The road to Hell is paved with good intentions. Bruce Wayne has adopted a persona in wake of his father’s murder. As he sets out to save Gotham City, Wayne turned down his lucrative offer of service from Black mask. The criminal responded viciously.

He’s unleashed chaos for a price. One way was putting bounties on the heads of prominent figures. Deputy Mayor Martha Wayne is one of the top prizes in the sick game.

ABSOLUTE BATMAN #6 by Scott Snyder, Nick Dragotta, Frank Martin, Clayton Cowles closes up the Dark Knight’s first arc in the Absolute Universe. Lets take a closer look at how things end up.

Note: There are some graphic images in this issue.


Snyder wraps up the first arc with an ambitious and volatile close. Black Mask’s deadly game works to establish an uneasy backdrop. Feeding the insecurities of Gotham pushes the city to the edge.


The writing doesn’t shy away from the anarchy the move makes. A train scene details the lawlessness. It gives more impact to Batman’s need to fight back. This move also brings his friends into the mix with different results.

Seeing this new “Bat Family” at work provides some strong character moments. It plays well off the flashback sequences guided by Martha Wayne. Readers watch as she shows her defiance to back down like her son. Her calming message brings out Bruce’s inner strength when needed most. The showdown with Black Mask is brutally poetic.

The writing leans into Wayne’s love of being Batman. Wayne’s ego proves to pull a drastic but needed move to end the conflict. The fallout is perfect for where the story goes. Is there ever such a thing as a happy ending in Gotham or is it just calm? Readers will be locked in by the epilogue page. This is not the Batman we know and it’s bringing out the best of Snyder’s writing along the way.

Dragotta and Martin never shy away of the violent nature of the Absolute Universe. The only moments of joy comes via a splash photo of young Bruce and friends. Even as innocent as this starts, the nightmare scenario pushes the flashbacks into a poignant course. Martha’s honest care assembles as Bruce’s guide in the darkness. This serves as a great counter balance as Gotham falls apart.

From the full page crashing of Black mask’s yacht, the pace speeds up. There’s no shortage of violence in these pages. Dragotta even sneaks in an “Anchorman” homage at one point, cause “it’s How (Bruce) rolls”. Readers watch in baited breath as the savage fight begins.

There is no punches pulled as both Batman and Black Mask cross lines. A full page image will haunt readers as it ends the conflict. It mirrors the tense atmosphere Martha and Jim Gordon navigate through. In the aftermath lies a strong half page image for the future. It is quickly upended by a terrifying epilogue page. The imagery here puts the proverbial cherry on the frightening future of Gotham City’s protector.


Absolute Batman concludes its first arc on a fiery and violent fueled note. Snyder’s writing shoots Bruce Wayne into the savage close flawlessly. Dragotta and Martin push the envelope on the line of heroic and horror with their art. Forget any preconceived notions. This vision of the Dark Knight stands out on its own pedestal for good reason.

Let me know in the comments below your thoughts on Absolute Batman #6. Thanks for reading! CLICK HERE FOR MORE CONTENT FROM KEN

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Ken M.
Ken M.
Executive Producer/Host of the ODPH (Ocho Duro Parlay Hour) Podcast. Ken is also Nerd Initiative's Comics Editor-In-Chief/Brand Advisor and host of "Turn A Page". Ken is also a freelance Pro Wrestling Blogger and an all around fan of Sports, Movies Tv, Comics and Pro Wrestling

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