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AQUAMAN #3 by Jeremy Adams, John Timms, Rex Lokus and Dave Sharpe (DC COMICS)

Arthur Curry’s kingdom is missing! While fighting a monster on the surface, Atlantis has disappeared. A portal is the only thing left. It has an ominous shape that is all too familiar. Could Darkseid have a hand in this? It does not matter to Aquaman as he goes through the gateway.

On the other side, the King of the Seven Seas now finds himself challenged like never before. Will he rise to the occasion or drown under the weight?

AQUAMAN #3 by Jeremy Adams, John Timms, Rex Lokus and Dave Sharpe continues the search for Atlantis.

Taking the dive on this review is Matt from Hops Geek News and Yours truly (Ken – ODPH Podcast/ NI editor In Chief). Let’s see what’s happening now!



Ken: Adams continues to push Curry out of his comfort zone. The beginning of the chapter speaks of his childhood. A father and son moment plants a seed of heroism into the future King. Readers watch as the new landscape provides a mythical feel. Seeing the underwater hero dealing with the infusion of magic proves quite the unlikely discovery.

Breaking down the complexity of water is a solid twist. Making it more than just an element adds another player to the saga. It also elevates Aquaman as a stronger piece to this puzzle. The writing throws in a few more surprises with the reveals. One cameo plays off another DC series happening right now. Seeing synergy in this level is a true treat for readers. The ending ties everything back full circle. It leaves readers with a sense of curiosity as the travels of Arthur Curry takes a big detour.


Matt: Adams is continuously bringing out the best in Aquaman and highlighting what makes his character such a leader and a true force of nature. He stays true to the bond that Arthur has had with his father and how important it has been to his character through time. More than this, however, Adams is bringing in crossovers to this story and laying the foundation for something potentially exciting to payoff in the future. DC has chosen the perfect person to pen this amazing tale.


Ken: Timms and Lokus kick things off with a throwback full page image. The lighthouse pops off the page. Seeing father and son have a chat carries a great deal of emotion. It’s quickly dashed to the present time. The incredible tow page splash is simple but effective. Readers watch as this journey to Atlantis takes quite a magical turn.

The showcase of power in the DCU crafts many easter eggs. It also establishes how impactful Aquaman plays a part into a larger scale of power. Sharpe’s lettering makes a simple weapon construction into a reflection of Curry’s thoughts. It gives weigh to a striking half page image of Aquaman attacked. As the story sails towards its’ end, a final full page image makes an immediate impression. Readers walk away heading into the unknown and there’s no place they would rather be.

Matt: The artwork from Timms and Lokus is just full-on insane within this issue. Their full-page shots are just them showing off, and I love every second of it. Telling Arthur’s history and showing his strengths using artwork is effective as it speaks volumes and adds so much to this story. If nothing else, this run is a showcase of epic talent with its art. Adding depth to Arthurs inner thoughts and monologue is Sharpe who is crafting this tale to perfection adding his own voice to this incredible character.


Ken: 9.1 A question of power surges Aquaman into uncharted waters. Adams continues to inject new elements that challenge Curry to his core. Timms and Lokus bring the new world to life with phenomenal imagery. This story never stops diving deeper into new storytelling.

Matt: 9.5 I am unapologetically loving every page of this issue and story. Aquaman is being shown as the truly powerful hero and leader that he has always been, as Adams is breathing new life into him. The art is some of the best in this current DC All-In saga, and it’s a shame for anyone to be missing out.

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Ken M.
Ken M.
Executive Producer/Host of the ODPH (Ocho Duro Parlay Hour) Podcast. Ken is also Nerd Initiative's Comics Editor-In-Chief/Brand Advisor and host of "Turn A Page". Ken is also a freelance Pro Wrestling Blogger and an all around fan of Sports, Movies Tv, Comics and Pro Wrestling

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