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Creative Team – Katharyn Blair(writer). Pere Pérez(artist). Guru-eFX(color artist). VC’s Joe Sabino(letterer). Pere Pérez & Guru-eFX(cover artists).
Published by Marvel Entertainment
Be sure to catch up with TVA #2 here!
*spoiler ahead*
The Story
Mobius has been stabbed by a secret attacker who’s wandered the halls of the TVA, and has done a great job at hiding any evidence. Before he was attacked from behind, he was being led down to the deserted departments of the TVA. The same deserted departments that Ghost-Spider’s dreams keep leading her to, which is concerning.
It seems Mobius will pull through with the help of Dock Clock, a variant of Miss Minutes, but the questions still stands; who attacked him? The mystery attacker, who unplugged the security cameras to cover their tracks, has made it impossible to find their identity. With some investigating, B-15 says the proof shows that it was Jimmy Hudson, but it doesn’t seem like the popular opinion that he’s guilty. According to B-15, if they want to be the new and improved TVA, then they must treat everyone equally, which means into the slammer Jimmy goes.
Meanwhile, now that Sylvie knows Mobius will survive, she’s able to look into his mind and see what he saw when he was attacked. While Sylvie is looking into Mobius’ mind, Ghost-Spider breaks the rules she was given and sneaks down to the forgotten departments of the TVA. The same forgotten departments that B-15 specifically ordered her not to go to.
The Writing
This comic run continues to be shrouded in mystery and keeps you hooked to every panel, wanting to read more. I think with so many characters, it can get messy trying to have all of their personalities shine through, but Katharyn Blair handles it with ease. I really love the Miss Minutes variants and how they all have their own personalities and jobs. They each add so much to each scene. I hope to see more!
The Art
Pere Pérez does an outstanding job with making each character shine while not watering down the others. Gambit’s look is easily one of my favorites, as he looks so different but still very much like Gambit. Also, I love the different looks of the Miss Minutes variants, as each look does very well matching their personality.
I can’t not comment on Guru-eFX’s stunning use of colors on each page of TVA #3! I really love his use of bright colors against the lighter backgrounds, usually the light tan of the TVA, which makes each page pop.
Overall Grade – 9.1/10
Let me know in the comments what you thought of TVA #3!
This review was written by Megan from the Vigilante Vibes Podcast! If you liked my review, be sure to check out my other reviews! Let me know what you think of TVA #3, or tell me what comics you’d recommend me trying out! Find me on my socials, and check out my Marvel podcast, Vigilante Vibes, by clicking here!
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