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What drives a fighter? Is it the thrill of victory? Or is it something more personal? All these questions hover around Dinah Lance. Her fight against Lady Shiva has not gone her way thus far.
As we enter the championship rounds of this series, Lance looks to mount a comeback. Losing Ted Grant in her corner might have been the spark she needed to kickstart her drive. Will it be enough?
BLACK CANARY: BEST OF THE BEST #4 by Tom King, Ryan Sook, Dave Stewart, and Clayton Cowles takes the fight to readers with its’ latest chapter.
Let’s take a closer look and see how the judges score this round.
For this chapter, King shifts the flashback portion to Lance’s first meeting with Oliver Queen. The writing showcases the awkward encounter superbly. Queen’s brash arrogance is served humble pie immediately.
This carries through to Dinah’s conversation with her mother. The usage of text messages really pops this portion of story. It puts a stamp on their beginnings as a couple before jumping back into the fight.
The pacing of the fight escalates just enough for readers. It doesn’t feel forced or rushed. Lance’s controlled rage pours off the pages. Once the momentum swings, a sense of victory start to form. The writing stages a quick dip to a more recent moment with Dinah and her mother.
It helps to break the fast moving action. All roads lead back to the match. As Lance goes on for the finish, the dialogue shows something more. Readers see what is driving Lance. The ending throws a curve into the mix as a question is left to ponder until next time. Very solid close.
Sook and Stewart never shy from bringing out Dinah’s rage. Cowles’ lettering sets the brutal opening stages off to the races. Readers watch as Lance goes in for the finish with sheer brutality. It is a side of her that has been brooding. Her emotional release shines through these panels. The anger turns into a demanding point. With an homage to a classic Batman moment, readers watch in awe. Its’ conclusion is left with a note of validity. Dinah’s face speaks volumes after the bell rings for this chapter.
The flashback points hit their marks. A full page image of Dinah “greeting” Ollie will draw a reaction. Sook mixes in a unique panel style for this portion. Using Flip phone screens to structure makes the normal conversation jump out. It’s a fun segment before everything flashes back to the present. Dinah’s “night out” with her mother carries a range of emotions. The drive displayed pushes Dinah into the closing of the book. Watching her eyes in the parting shot conveys much to the audience until next time.
The latest round pushes Dinah Lance into her last shot to victory. King blends in a touching flashback in between the fight inside. Sook, Stewart and Cowles construct distinct images layering Dinah’s road to winning. Brace for another hard-hitting chapter.
Let me know your thoughts on BLACK CANARY: BEST OF THE BEST #4 in the comments below. Thanks for reading!
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