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Creative Team – Kieron Gillen(writer). Caspar Wijngaard(artist). Clayton Cowles(letterer). Rian Hughes(designer). Katie West(editor).
Published by Image Comics
“We’re back, and the doomsday clock is still ticking, tick-ticking. What’s up? Everyone panickedly screams WHAT HAVE YOU DONE??! as Magus and Heavy’s 18-years-in-the-making plans for world-domination are revealed. I’m sure it’ll be okay and everyone won’t die.“(Credit: Image)
The Story
*Some Spoilers ahead!*
After the United States government tried to kill Family member, Heavy, there had to be some retaliation to stop an even bigger disaster. That led to Etienne killing the president and everyone in his cabinet in order to avoid something worse from happening.
All of this leads to something none of the Family or the American citizens expected, Jacky Magus taking the role of America’s Secretary of Magic. Understandably so, Etione and Valentina are very concerned about Magus’ move, and plan to reach out to Heavy to make sure he isn’t already planning an attack.
Heavy’s Secret
As it turns out, Heavy doesn’t even know about what Magus has done. He’s busy with an issue of his own; letting Tonya in on his big secret. He tells Tonya that she will be the one to break the news to the world. The news that there is a new superpower, Kid Ignition.
Kid Ignition isn’t just the world’s newest superpower, but he’s Heavy’s son that he’s kept a secret from the Family and the world. Heavy kept his superpowered son a secret because he knew that Kid Ignition would be in danger as soon as anyone found out, so he kept him hidden away at the Haven.
Meanwhile, Magus is already putting his plans into place as Secretary of Magic. He knows the Family may have a plan up their sleeves and his goal is to make sure they don’t act on it. He says the one person he needs to bring on board is Family member, Eliza Hellbound.
Eliza is stronger than Magus, and he says she has the power to take down the Pyramid on her own. According to Magus, it all comes down to her.
The Writing
Kieron Gillen does it again with The Power Fantasy #6, making a comic that keeps you locked into the story. Personally, I feel that the sixth installment of The Power Fantasy has much more power to it, so to say. So much happened, it was hard to see that it all happened in one comic. With Heavy’s secret revealed, Magus taking the role of Secretary of Magic, and getting introduced to a new character. It felt like so much happened. Gillen did a great job at balancing all of these moving parts while keep it flowing steadily.
The Art
Caspar Wijngaard continues to impress in The Power Fantasy with his excellent use of colors to establish a tone. Each character comes with their own tone, and Wijngaard shows that very clearly. For example, Valentina always has brighter colors in her panels as her personality is usually lighter. Magus is usually accompanied by a grittier color scheme. I think what I appreciate the most is how the Haven looks. It looks so otherworldly and larger than life.
Someone who really caught my eye was Eliza, as she looked menacing but gorgeous. I look forward to seeing more of her.
Overall Grade – 9.1/10
Let me know in the comments what you thought of The Power Fantasy #6!
This review was written by Megan from the Vigilante Vibes Podcast! If you liked my review, be sure to check out my other reviews! Let me know what you think of The Power Fantasy #6, or tell me what comics you’d recommend me trying out! Find me on my socials, and check out my Marvel podcast, Vigilante Vibes, by clicking here!
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