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Doll Parts: A Lovesick Tale #3 – Strength in Surrender


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Madeleine finds strength by surrendering in Doll Parts: a Lovesick Tale #3 by Luana Vecchio from Image Comics.

Adam’s Warning – Doll Parts A Lovesick Tale #2 by Luana Vecchio, Image Comics

Previously in Doll Parts

Madeleine’s story went through quite the metamorphosis in the previous issue. Beginning with the exposition on her mother, Gloria. She teaches in the same school Madeleine attends. Other students also saw Gloria as a hard ass. To the point where the called her “Drill Sergeant”.

With a growing distance between them, Madeleine was left to her own devices. Without any supervision on her phone or internet use, she found her way inside the world of snuff forums. Madeleine felt an uncanny interest in exploring, learning and consuming snuff content.

Adam’s Warning

However, according to Adam, snuff forums were not welcoming spaces for females. So, he strongly warned Madeleine against joining those communities. But her mind was made up. At the very least, Adam urged her to hide her identity from everyone for her own safety.

After all, this was a forum where people fantasized about acts of sexual violence. What could go wrong, right?

Worst Case Scenario – Doll Parts A Lovesick Tale #2 by Luana Vecchio, Image Comics

Preyed Upon

Soon after joining the forum, Madeleine made friends with P1gG_ . Another user who “coincidentally” had the same likes as Madeleine on just about everything. Even shared the experience of living with strict parents.

The lack of supervision and Madeleine’s false sense of maturity were a deadly combination. Additionally, P1gG_ was feeding her unhealthy curiosity for snuff media. Madeleine was prayed upon. Clearly, she was out of her depth and was too stubborn to realize it.

Worst Case Scenario

Finally, It all came to chilling a halt. Madeleine had a agreed to meet P1gG_ in person. It turned out to be the worst case scenario. This P1gG_ person was nothing like he described himself. But also, he was furious to find out that his online friend was a teenage girl.

Next, he proceeded to describe in vivid fashion, how he would kill Madeleine. Eventually, Madeleine managed to make it home safe. Just to find P1gG_ waiting for her. In brief, Madeleine’s entire life was now in jeopardy.


Doll Parts A Lovesick Tale #3 Cover B – Knife Variant by Luana Vecchio, Image Comics

All Sorts of Wrong

Issue 3 began with a flashback of the day Madeleine was born. According to the scene, her parents always felt contempt for her. Furthermore, there’s a scene that showcased how Gloria struggled with baby Madeleine. Currently, life is on a downward spiral. On her walks to school, adult men harassed Madeleine. After all, her personal information was online.

Additionally, P1gG_ had created dating profiles with Maddeleine’s image and information to impersonate her. With the intention to lure perverts and pedophiles towards Madeleine. Let’s be honest here, who else would try even try to date a minor? (“They not like Us” by Kendric Lamar plays in the background)

Pigg IRL

Madeleine had also isolated herself from her friends. When things looked like they couldn’t get any worse, P1gG_ showed up to Madeline’s house. This time while she was home alone. Thankfully, her parents arrived in the nick of time. They were able to fend off the stranger.

Gloria and her husband confronted Madeleine. But she pretended like she didn’t know who it was. Of course they were not happy and scolded their daughter.

Doll Parts A Lovesick Tale #3 by Luanna Vecchio, Image Comics

Mad is tired

Following the confrontation with her parents there was a shift in Madeleine’s demeanor. Once again she found herself being harassed by another man on her way to school. That’s when she turned around, pulled out her Hello Kitty knife and scare him away. Before she could even walk away, she received a called from P1gG_.

Feeling empowered by what just took place, Madeleine went off in a very frantic manner. Basically, she invited him to end the suspense. Just to kill her already, like those victims from the snuff forums.

Snuff by Proxy

In a gnarly and distorted way, Madeline had found strength in giving up. By accepting her fate as a snuff victim she believed she would find peace. Unfortunately, things took a turn for the worst. P1gG_ uploaded a snuff video made by himself to the forum. He had found another teenage girl that resembled Madeleine for his deranged fantasy. So, as a stand-in for Madeleine, he murdered the child. That poor innocent child, died a most gruesome death.

Doll Parts A Lovesick Tale #3 Cover D by Jessica Cioffi, Image Comics

How About the art?

Luana Vecchio manages to convey all the emotional baggage these characters carry. Particularly for Madeleine when she inevitably loses all her religion and screams at the top her of lungs. The desperation is palpable. Finally, the choice of placing panels of sex with panel of murder was very symbolic.

In a way it correlates to Madeleine’s further distortion on her idea and understanding of sexuality. But it also foreshadows and informs why will become Domino.

Overal Grade: 9.5/10

Madeleine’s character found a backbone by surrendering. Expecting for peace and freedom in rushing to her death. But, the threat to Madeleine’s life is gone. While Madeleine’s distorted views on life remained. Certainly, the damage is done.

Luana Vecchio has given to us another episode on the train wreck that was Domino’s childhood. You know you feel bad for Madeleine, you know what awaits in her future. You just can’t look away while it’s happening.

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