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Iron Man #4 Review! More Magic More Problems!


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Iron Man #4, Writer – Spencer Ackerman, Artists – Javier Pina and Rod Reis, Colors – Alex Sinclair, Letters – Joe Caramagna, Cover – Yasmine Putri (Credit Marvel Entertainment)

Iron Man #4

Writer – Spencer Ackerman

Artists – Javier Pina and Rod Reis

Colorist – Alex Sinclair

Letter – Joe Caramagna

Cover – Yasmine Putri

Read my review of the last issue in this series here!

Iron Man #4, Writer – Spencer Ackerman, Artists – Javier Pina and Rod Reis, Colors – Alex Sinclair, Letters – Joe Caramagna, Cover – Whilce Portacio and Alex Sinclair (Credit Marvel Entertainment)

The Story:

Tony must enlist the help of Ironheart and the Scarlet Witch as he attempts to recover the use of his armors. Meanwhile, a group of former S.H.I.E.L.D. agents are up to no good in Chicago…

The Writing:

Issue #4 continues the uphill trend in this series with Spencer Ackerman hitting his stride. His handling of Tony Stark as a character has been much more to my taste in the last two issues. On top of his handling of the character, the story’s pace has gotten a much needed boost. Where I was unsure in the first two issues where this story was headed, and whether it was going to be a story that connected with me, it is now beginning to be fleshed out in a much more satisfying way. Ackerman is showing that he is not only capable of writing a complex character like Iron Man, but that I should stop worrying about my favorite hero and just sit back and enjoy the ride.

Iron Man #4, Writer – Spencer Ackerman, Artists – Javier Pina and Rod Reis, Colors – Alex Sinclair, Letters – Joe Caramagna, Cover – Derrick Chew (Credit Marvel Entertainment)

The Art:

The art team on this issue was like a breath of fresh air. Javier Pina brought great movement to each panel and melded so perfectly with Alex Sinclair’s colors and Rod Reis dazzled me with his Scarlet Witch spread! One of my biggest complaints of the previous issues in this run has been the art. It just hasn’t been my cup of tea. This team, however, was exactly what I was looking for with this magic meets technology story. I am looking forward to see where the art goes in this series.

Overall Grade: 9.5/10

Talk about a step in the right direction! I have gone from being concerned for this series to now looking forward to where it is going. Spencer Ackerman’s writing and pacing and a change up in the art team have made all the difference with this book. I am very happy to say that this run of Iron Man is heading down the path of greatness.

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Derek Hoskins
Derek Hoskins
Derek is the Co-Founder of Paperweight Entertainment, along with Ian Torrance and Colonel Bob Tingle. He is the co-host of the Paperweight Entertainment Podcast, a life-long fan of Star Wars, Iron Man, Marvel, DC, and all comic related media. He is a firm believer that, in the words of Qui-Gon Jinn, “Your focus determines your reality.”

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