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THE QUESTION: ALL ALONG THE WATCHTOWER #3 (DC COMICS) by Alex Segura, Cian Tormey, Romulo Fajardo Jr. and Willie Schubert

Renee Montoya’s latest case is a doozie. As the new security on the JL watchtower, Montoya seeks answers. Kenn Kawa is left for dead. The evidence points to Batwoman. With the past personal relationship weighing in, Is Montoya’s judgment clouded? There’s little time to process as the Eradicator has entered the field. This problem might be more than The Question can possibly answer.

THE QUESTION: ALL ALONG THE WATCHTOWER #3 (DC COMICS) by Alex Segura, Cian Tormey, Romulo Fajardo Jr. and Willie Schubert continues to expose the attack on the Justice League’s home turf.

Let’s take a closer look at the latest installment.


Segura puts Montoya into a very unforeseen scenario. The case has spiraled into a more complex situation. Kawa being the intended target remains a mystery why. As she goes through her findings, Montoya is forced into some confrontations.

The tense reunion with Batwoman proves to create a difficult path for answers. The writing never lets the tension escape until a situation forces a pivot.


With the Eradicator involved, readers watch as Montoya amps up her efforts. The methods she evokes are driven by rage. Pacing has done a great job in slowly building this reaction up. Once Montoya unloads, it makes a statement.

This blinds her to what is really going on. In the shadows, moves are being made. This is very familiar in set-up. The responsible party is anything but predictable. Once the mastermind behind all of this is revealed, this moves Montoya’s efforts into a dire corner. Rest assured, the last page will lock in readers for the next chapter.

Tormey and Fajardo Jr. break down recent events nicely within the first few pages. This leads into a full page image of Montoya’s reluctant partner on the case. Coloring works perfectly on the attack of Ted Kord. The use of shadows connects with readers as the mastermind is slowly revealed.

It’s a big contrast to Montoya questioning The Eradicator. The art depicts the emotional release that’s been growing in Montoya. Eradicator’s reactions only prompt more out of the The Question. It is a scene that steals what’s happening in the background. Once the main attack begins, the mood shifts. Montoya’s reactions reflect the shocking turn of events. The panel structure raises the moments before the final page. Once there, a full page image hits as business has picked up for Montoya’s search for truth on the watchtower.

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Lurking in the shadows is an unlikely truth in The Question’s latest case. Segura’s writing delves into the toll taken on Montoya while the mastermind makes their debut. Tormey, Fajardo Jr. and Schubert bring on the bad guys with strong imagery. Brace for the last page’s impact!

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on The Question: All Along The Watchtower #3. Thanks for reading!


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Ken M.
Ken M.
Executive Producer/Host of the ODPH (Ocho Duro Parlay Hour) Podcast. Ken is also Nerd Initiative's Comics Editor-In-Chief/Brand Advisor and host of "Turn A Page". Ken is also a freelance Pro Wrestling Blogger and an all around fan of Sports, Movies Tv, Comics and Pro Wrestling

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