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RESURGENCE: BLOODSHOT by Fred Van Lente, Rodrigo Rocha, Leo Lujan, Brushu Studio, Ludwig Olimba and Ezequiel Inverni (valiant comics/ Alien Books – cover: Fernando Baldo)

With Dr. Silk promising paradise, the Valiant Universe has been torn in half. Some are buying into a life without death. Others are resisting the temptation of the Faustian deal. Each hero has something to gain or lose. One with a vested interest is BLOODSHOT.

The enigmatic killing machine wants to save his family. There is another party more concerned with saving a world gone mad. Something has to give.

RESURGENCE: BLOODSHOT by Fred Van Lente, Rodrigo Rocha, Leo Lujan, Brushu Studio, Ludwig Olimba and Ezequiel Inverni puts the deadly soldier across a foe that knows him all too well: RAI!

Let’s not wait any longer & see who wins this showdown!


For longtime Valiant readers, there will be much to enjoy with this throwdown. If you are new to Valiant, they always lead off with a great “new readers” page. Instantly, you’re caught up to speed just enough to join the story.

For this issue, the back story for Bloodshot is longer. There is a purpose for this. Once the fight gets started, there’s more of a connection to feel what he’s fighting for.


The conflict becomes very violent in a hurry. Knowing both heroes, this delivers on may fronts. Van Lente pens a strategic match in between the broken bones. Literally. Both characters utilize their abilities to their max. Only then do readers start seeing the personalities come out.

Bloodshot comes off very brash to the reserved Rai. It’s a reflection of both strengths. As the combat marches on, it eventually hits a breaking point. One plays for keeps. They executes a unique move for victory The fallout plays into a solid conclusion for now but not forever.

The art never shies away from the brutality of the fight. It only delays the inevitable with the opening pages. Taking readers into a longer look at Bloodshot’s drive cements why he does as he does. It doesn’t take long to shift gears into the main event.


The fight begins with an artist switch-up. Lujan spares no expense on presenting a vicious showdown. It is one not for the weak of stomach. The panels reflect the desperation for each fighter’s cause. It eventually leads to some unique spots. Seeing Bloodshot react in most scenes covers a wide ground base. It leads to a near half page conclusion image. Events may be over for now but the art deems there will be more to come.

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The billing of “Soldier vs Samurai” lives up to the marquee in this Resurgence spin-off. Van Lente pens a brutal throwdown centered on noble causes. The art holds nothing back as two unstoppable forces unleash Hell on the other. This is a fight that will have readers wanting one more round.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on RESURGENCE: BLOODSHOT. Thanks for reading!


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Ken M.
Ken M.
Executive Producer/Host of the ODPH (Ocho Duro Parlay Hour) Podcast. Ken is also Nerd Initiative's Comics Editor-In-Chief/Brand Advisor and host of "Turn A Page". Ken is also a freelance Pro Wrestling Blogger and an all around fan of Sports, Movies Tv, Comics and Pro Wrestling

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