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Two straight-packed weeks of comics. I hope that bolds well for the rest of the year. We haven’t even gotten to event season yet. This week’s list I think represents how good comics can be because it is a diverse group of books. There’s several series out this week that stand in a category all their own in the type of story they are telling. So if you are bored with your current lineup of books perhaps give something new a try.
(Editor’s Note: Solicitations are provided by the respected Publisher)

Writer: Grant Sputore, Ryan Engle
Artist: Jay Martin
Publisher: Dark Horse
Solicitation: When a giant monster attacks a city and swallows a bus full of civilians, one woman must fight for her life. Trapped inside the enormous beast, Sara and her fellow bus passengers soon find out that they’re not alone. But what dangers lie within the belly of this beast? And who — or what — will they have to contend with in order to survive?
Grant Sputore (Director, I am Mother) and Ryan Engle (Writer, Beast; Writer, Rampage) bring their movie-monster magic to comics for the first time. Illustrated by acclaimed comics author and illustrator Jay Martin (Lost Boy, Yellow).
Why it Made the List: I like big monsters, I cannot lie. While other comic book fans may deny, I will not do that. Hmm…did not work nearly as well as it did in my head. Now of course this appears to be taking a different direction when it comes to big monster stories as most of it will be taking place INSIDE the monster. I am here for that. I am not super familiar with these creators, and it may be the writers’ first comic. Inexperience can bring some apprehension, but at the same time, everyone has to start somewhere. Curious considering their experience in the movie industry what they can bring to the comic book world. Hoping it can be a success. The key will be trusting their artists to tell the story not just the script.
Writer: Joshua Williamson
Artist: Tom Reilly
Publisher: Image
Solicitation: As tensions rise within G.I. Joe — and punches are thrown — Cobra hunts a venomous new ally…
Why it Made the List: You know it is a stacked week when this is all the way at number nine. I really enjoyed the first issue, and the second one was solid as well. The only downside was we did not get as much interplay between Cobra as the majority of the focus was on the Joes. I am not sure how I feel about the G.I. Joes having so much internal strife like this, but alas when you are starting an elite fighting force to take on Cobra and Decepticons you will break a few eggs along the way. Joshua Williamson and Tom Reilly have brought much of what I enjoyed in the Duke run into this new series. Reilly has a knack for depicting action, and he’s had a ton of it to work with already. Feels like I was back in the ’80, or early ’90s, playing with my classic G.I. Joe toys the way this book weaves in major set pieces. So much fun and excitement. Do wonder about this new G.I. Joe character they created and his deal? Clearly a good fighter but how will that work with the rest of the team’s dynamic? Also where’s Snakeyes? Clearly they are saving him, which is a smart move. Just hope he shoes up soon.
8. The Moon Is Following Us #5
Writer: Daniel Warren Johnson, Riley Rossmo
Artist: Daniel Warren Johnson, Riley Rossmo
Publisher: Image
Solicitation: The final battle is at hand. FOR PENNY!!!
Why it Made the List: To repeat myself you know it’s a packed week when this is so low down in the top ten. Having too many good comics is a good thing in my mind. Daniel Warren Johnson and Riley Rossmo played with my heart and soul because in the last issue these parents had their child in their grasp, only to see her slip away. Part of me is surprised this isn’t the last issue because it feels like we are right at the tipping point. Knowing we have at least two more issues after this makes me wonder what is in store for us because I get the sense some major revelation is about to occur. It is still not super clear who is behind this and why. When we learn the truth I bet it will be devastating. Daniel Warren Johnson and Riley Rossmo make quite the team and getting an issue with art from both of them is like when your favorite store has a buy one get one free sale. Two for the price of one is never a bad thing.
Writer: Chris Condon
Artist: Alessandro Cappuccio
Publisher: Marvel
Solicitation: THE MAKER’S ULTIMATE WEAPON! From rising star Chris Condon (THAT TEXAS BLOOD) and MOON KNIGHT powerhouse artist Alessandro Cappuccio comes the story of the ULTIMATE WOLVERINE! In order to maintain control of their corner of the Maker’s world, three members of his council – Magik, Colossus and Omega Red – deploy their most lethal asset: The Winter Soldier! But WHO is the weapon behind the mask?
Why it Made the List:Â So I am a bit mixed on this one. A big part of me was impressed Marvel was building this brand-new universe without one of their biggest characters. At the same time, I do like this idea and am curious to see how they make it work. Combining the Winter Solider program and Weapon X seems like a logical step. I am surprised it has not happened before. Can they make this Wolverine stand out compared to the 616 Wolverine while staying close enough to what people like in the first place? It’s a big question and one I feel a writer like Chris Condon can handle. I have been impressed with his work on series like That Texas Blood so seems like he has the talent to take on a major task like this one. This new Ultimate universe has been the best thing about Marvel comics these past twelve months and this can hopefully keep it going.
Writer: Ram V.
Artist: Evan Cagle, Jesse Lonergan
Publisher: DC Comics
Solicitation: A GREAT POWER HAS AWAKENED, AND THE UNIVERSE MAY NEVER BE THE SAME! Mr. Miracle has found himself at a crossroads. Presented with a terrible choice by his brother Orion, he must decide between venturing out to save a child he has never met — a new god made manifest — or stay home to raise a child of his own. Meanwhile, an evil awakens, driven mad by an obsession with a dead god, and sets its sights on this same child. Several forces, of good and of evil, converge on this child as his latent powers begin to reveal themselves to the world.
And while these dramas play out on Earth, the forces of an intergalactic inquisition march ever closer…
Why it Made the List: So happy we are getting a New Gods comic again. DC has been following through with their promise of going ‘All In’ by giving so many characters new comics again that have not had them in forever. I adored the first issue of this series. It was one of my favorite first issues of all of 2024. Cannot say I have a huge amount of experience with the New Gods but that did not hinder my enjoyment of the last issue. Ram V. and Evan Cagle crafted an issue that was in spirit with the theological origins of the original run along with the focus on fatherhood. Evan Cagle’s captured that mythical element that makes the New Gods special. If the follow-up issues can be nearly as good this can quickly become one of today’s best comics.
Writer: Scott Snyder
Artist: Jock
Publisher: DSTLRY
Solicitation: Modern comic writing legend Scott Snyder (BATMAN, WHITE BOAT) REUNITES with iconic horror artist Jock (WYTCHES, GONE) to tell the story of an ailing detective’s past come back to haunt him…
Years ago, Jack Bernard was an accomplished homicide detective. So accomplished that it cost him everything else in his life. Now Jack finds himself alone, trapped in a retirement home with a brain tumor that’s slowly sapping his once-keen mind of all memories. But when an ice cold serial killer case from out of his past rears its head, Jack must call on all his remaining memories in order to stop a killer that only he still believes really exists!
YOU WON’T FEEL A THING is a sobering murder mystery exploring the anguish of a man whose own body and mind has turned against him, and the desire to find meaning in one’s own life before it unravels.
Every issue from DSTLRY is presented in their perfect bound Prestige format, featuring wraparound covers with spot gloss on robust cover stock, complemented by 48 pages of exquisite interior stock. It’s the DSTLRY difference.
Why it Made the List:Â I have said this many times doing this list but Scott Snyder is doing the best work of his career right now. Last year of course that went up another level with the massive popularity of Absolute Batman, but I do not think that was even his best book by far. Not to be undone Jock at quite a year himself with his series Gone. Now they are joining forces yet again for another major book. These two of course have shown they can bring out the best of each other in the classic story Batman: The Black Mirror. Some may say that is the best Batman story either has done still to this day. Now they are doing another crime book and cannot wait to see what they have up their sleeves right now. I have yet to read a book from DSTLRY I have not enjoyed and doubt that will change with this issue.
Writer: Kelly Sue DeConnick
Artist: David López
Publisher: Dark Horse
Solicitation: As wildfires edge closer to Portland, unexpected challenges hit Riley’s band, STFU. Riley’s transformation complicates their audition for HeavyFest, leading Lydia to “help” with her heavy metal… trombone. Meanwhile, Patti preps for an impending interview at True Crime Con LIVE about a book yet unwritten, and unknowingly steps closer to a grim mystery. When a dead body surfaces at the Witch’s House, secrets threaten to unravel. Tune in for a narrative rich in dark humor and suspense, where every note and clue draws us deeper into the chaos.
Why it Made the List: Given the events of this past week this might be harder to read than originally thought with its connections to wildfires. It goes without saying heart goes out to all those impacted by those horrific fires, and if you were looking for a way to help is doing a fundraiser to help comic book stores impacted by the devastating wildfires. Now for a very awkward transition, I greatly enjoyed this series thus far. The theme of this book has been how we as a society so quickly accept insanity when it becomes commonplace. For example, how active shooter drills are the norm at schools now due to the fact that school shootings have been a common occurrence. If you were to write that into a screenplay in the early ’90s people would have thought you were going over the top. Now it’s just fire drills with more guns. But unlike a lot of books, the message is not the story, and that makes the message so much more effective. This book has a great deal of personality and style in large part due to the work of David López. I want to compare it to something to give you a better idea of what this story is like but nothing will do it justice. Something you just need to try out for yourself.
3. Batman and Robin: Year One #4
Writer: Mark Waid, Chris Samnee
Artist: Chris Samnee
Publisher: DC Comics
Solicitation: MARK WAID AND CHRIS SAMNEE CONTINUE THEIR EPIC EXPLORATION OF BATMAN AND ROBIN’S EARLY DAYS! Things are heating up in Gotham as the General works to tighten his grip on the criminal underbelly of the city. But when he and Batman come face-to-face, will the Dark Knight strike fear in this new threat’s heart, or is this the end of Batman’s fight for Gotham City? Meanwhile, a meeting with Dick’s caseworker sets the young Boy Wonder on a path he absolutely dreads!
Why it Made the List: At the risk of sounding like a broken record, you know it’s a packed week when this is so low down in the top ten. Now three is not THAT low but compared to where this book is in my mind I would think two would be as low as it would get. Mark Waid and Chris Samnee are two of the best storytellers in comics so when you give them two of the best characters ever created along with the freedom to tell their own story it is nearly guaranteed to produce a great book. The only downside to this book is that there is not a lot of momentum at the moment where you feel like the story is building to this ultimate climax. It’s not really that type of story. This is a character piece looking at how these two characters impacted each other beyond just the obvious. What is good about it too is that you can tell they care for one another despite having some disagreements. Sometimes comic creators can have the bickering between Batman and Robin be so bad you end up not liking either of them. Here it is just two people who were both reborn through tragedy approaching their grief in different ways.
Writer: Jordan Thomas
Artist: Daniel Gete
Publisher: Oni Press
Solicitation: ATTENTION! If you’ve made it this far… If you think you know what’s going to come next… YOU WILL BE WRONG! Because rising star Jordan Thomas (Mugshots) and hyper-visceral artist Daniel Gete (Ãœber) are about to break you with the most topsy-turvy, reality-shattering revelations yet as Skin Police reaches its boiling point!
DIC Agent Brisson Eckis and his rookie partner Sheen Corfer have survived a gauntlet of assassins, intrigue, and four-way double-crosses… But that’s nothing compared to the conspiracy being carried out at the highest levels of government. WHO IS BEHIND IT ALL? WHO WILL SURVIVE? AND WHO IS NOT WHO THEY THINK ARE? Trust will be tested when Eckis comes face-to-face with the manipulators behind the year’s most gonzo sci-fi action thrill ride!
Why it Made the List: As mentioned in this week’s opening this week’s books have a cavalcade of choices of different genres, styles, and concepts that are very different than the majority of the comics out there. Jordan Thomas is nearly a guarantee for that with his history as a writer. No book he does tends to be like the last one. As this series goes on though I am becoming more and more impressed with the work of Daniel Gete. For example, last issue had this great fight sequence taking place in a hallway. (Hallways of course are where the best fights take place for some reason) There was a series of horizontal panels that captured beat-for-beat these close quarters fight. The combination of stellar pacing and finely tuned artistry made it into quite the moment. One page does not make a comic, but it was indicative of what has made this series so strong. It’s a book that will get down in the grime and grit but also have some more grandiose ideas as well. If you are a fan of science fiction defiantly something you would want to check out.
1-Doll Parts: A Lovesick Tale #2
Writer/Artist: Luana Vecchio
Publisher: Image Comics
Solicitation: Madeleine’s adolescence is in full swing: boys, horror movies, gore sites, and dangers lurking around every corner. But Mad’s a big girl now. She knows how to handle herself… Right?
Why it Made the List: If you follow these lists at all you would have seen that Doll Parts: A Lovesick Tale #1 did not even make the Top 10 the week it came out. I simply did not know much about it nor had read much work by Luana Vecchio. Reading that issue though I quickly became impressed with her talent as a storyteller. I am always looking out for books that approach topics that are often ignored as well as voices that feel different than what we are used to hearing. So far Doll Parts: A Lovesick Tale appears to have both. The way Luana Vecchio was able to place you into the mind of this young 12-year-old girl was something I was not ready for. You understood her fear and anxious woes as she navigated a world that has so few safeguards in place despite what people may think. Yet it is not just a story about a victim, but rather the way in which someone can empower themselves to be their own hero. That last piece we haven’t reached quite yet but you can see what Vecchio is building. If the next few issues are as strong as this it could be something special. So many books offered something different and when I looked at this weeks of books it was what this provided that made me the most excited.