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Magik #1: When Is The Magic Released?


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Writer- Ashley Allen

Artist- German Peralta

Colorist- Arthur Hesli

Cover Artist- J. Scott Campbell

Cover Colorist- Tanya Lehoux

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Cover art by J. Scott Campbell. Published by Marvel Entertainment

Magik #1 caused quite a bit of excitement in the Nerd Initiative bullpen so this is a joint review by Janelle and Megan Nichole.

Something Wicked This Way Comes

Ilyanna Rasputina, AKA Magik, reflects on what her life would’ve been like if she hadn’t been kidnapped by the demon, Belasco, and taken to the eternal hellscape of limbo. Belasco saw what she was capable of and started her on a journey of evil, a journey Ilyana didn’t want. Nevertheless, she rose victorious as she escaped and ultimately became a hero, even having a spot on the X-Men team.

Speaking of the X-Men, Ilyana wakes up to a birthday surprise hosted by her mutant team. While the team’s heart was in the right place, Ilyana isn’t in the mood to celebrate as she states there’s work that needs to be done. It seems mutants are disappearing in Juneau, so Ilyana hightails it there to investigate. She arrives to a missing mutant’s funeral with a riot of mutant-hating humans outside but something bigger is going on. Something ancient and evil has awakened and it has its sights set on mutants.

The Story

Megan – Ashley Allen gives Magik’s run a really strong start with this comic. It has the mystical darkness you’d want from a comic about Ilyanna Rasputina, and a good bit of backstory. Something I really enjoyed seeing was the conflicting parts of Ilyanna in her, the evil side and the hero, clashing together. I think it shows how vulnerable she really is while dealing with who she was made to be, and who she was born to be.

I’ve always felt that Magik was a pretty underrated character, so it’s great to see her getting her own run, and I’m glad it’s Allen who’s writing it.

The Art

Janelle – In terms of the art, it’s beautiful. It really pops off the page, when there are different panels throughout this first issue. I like the style, kind of a newer art that has become vibrant in its’ coloring. I also like how that the artist doesn’t hold back with it’s more graphic style. If Magik truly is someone who fights creatures, I want to see it all. The art displayed in this first issue, is something that I have seen before. It has that “Marvel” style that I like. I enjoy that also there is a uniform look to it. I give the art a 9.5/10. Can’t wait to see what is in store for the next issue.

Final Thoughts

Overall Grade: 10/10

Megan10/10. Like I said, I feel Magik is criminally underrated and I’m glad to see such a strong start to her comic run. Ashley Allen seems like she made the comic with the Magik fans in mind.

Janelle 10/10. What a strong start to hopefully an interesting character going forward. I am wondering how the next issue will turn out.

Janelle Holland
Janelle Holland
My name is Janelle, and I love comics, T.V. shows, movies. I enjoy everything from Marvel to DC. You can usually find me with a comic book in my hand and some coffee.

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