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BATMAN: DARK PATTERNS #2 by Dan Watters, Hayden Sherman, Tríona Farrell and Frank Cvetkovic (DC COMICS)

A Killer loose in Gotham. This is no ordinary rogue by any means. The Wound Man strikes during the early stages of Batman’s career. Underneath the grotesque appearance lies an even greater mystery. Can Batman solve the case before the body count grows higher?

BATMAN: DARK PATTERNS #2 by Dan Watters, Hayden Sherman, Tríona Farrell and Frank Cvetkovic continues its initial case as the spotlight is thrown on the World’s Greatest Detective.

Teaming up on this review again are Matt (N.I. editor/Hops Geek News) and yours truly (Ken – ODPH podcast/NI editor In Chief). Let’s take a deeper dive at this series. *** POSSIBLE SPOILER WARNING ***


MATT: This story gives us answers, and yet Watters doesn’t shy away from delivering us even more mystery, keeping the hooks sunk into us with this tale. Batman is at his best as he is prowling the streets doing detective work but, Watters assures us that he isn’t perfect. It’s subtle but, there is a scene where Batman miscalculates which sends our story into a frenzy.

There is more continued suspense as this issue takes us down a path that I was not expecting. As this issue wraps up I can confidently say I wasn’t expecting the Batmobile or Batman to be in the suburbs but, this story is full of surprises making it tremendously intriguing.

KEN: Watters continues to layer the mystery with some notable points. The initial lead begins with Batman laying out his plan. This takes readers along as his investigation proves to be correct. However, that is when things take a turn for the worse. Arguably the strongest point of this series is Batman’s inexperience. He isn’t a polished product. One costly guess sways the story into a new direction.

Playing off the cards dealt, Batman must trust an unlikely source. Readers watch as the suspicions play out to a surprise twist. Events also lead Batman into a new environment in search of answers. It is refreshing to see the detailed detective work come to the forefront. In its wake is a more puzzling ending. Considering the uncertainty of the Wound Man, seeing the last page play out fits the narrative of the case. There is never a dull moment with this story.


MATT: Sherman and Farrell are taking this and running with this story. The way Batman is in the shadows and we only see the white glowing eyes or yellow symbol on his chest shows they get it. They shine even more when the Wound Man is seen and as with issue #1 the visuals leave us squirming and a sense of nausea.

The team draws Gotham and the shadows it casts bringing this environment to life. And yet when it is time to bring us to new surroundings the green and yellow scenery stands out in bright contrast. This issue shows off the artwork talent in full making us both in awe and wanting to close our eyes.

KEN: Sherman and Farrell begin events with a near full page of Batman and Gordon. The mood seems tense under the Bat Signal backdrop. It gives a very vintage feel as Batman begins his investigation. The full page images of Batman watching the suspect will win fans over.

The fight between the Wound Man and Batman moves swiftly. It gives readers a very unlikely image in its’ conclusion. Seeing Batman legitimately scared of what happened will get people talking. This moment causes a domino effect with the pages. Pacing speeds up to a very unique panel of Batman’s “thoughts”. Readers watch as the panels grow bolder with Batman searching for answers. The story concludes with a page changing gears as the mid way point is hit. Panels have a very stylistic look throughout this issue right to the end. there’s much to enjoy with the art.


Overall Grade: 9.4/10

MATT: 9.5. This took a direction that I admit I was not expecting and for that, it is a sign of a good story. The more answers we get the more questions we are left in return. This continues to be a suspenseful horror story allowing Batman and these characters to shine in the darkness.

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KEN: 9.2. The case of the Wound Man takes a few turns in its’ second chapter. Watters keeps readers guessing with the writing. Sherman, Farrell and Cvetkovic mash up classic images with the horror unfolding. There’s something for everyone with this dark tale of the past.


Thanks for checking out our joint review for the NI Comics Bullpen. Let us know what comics you’re reading and hit us up on any social media platform! Ken can be found here and Matt can be found here!Till next time…

Ken M.
Ken M.
Executive Producer/Host of the ODPH (Ocho Duro Parlay Hour) Podcast. Ken is also Nerd Initiative's Comics Editor-In-Chief/Brand Advisor and host of "Turn A Page". Ken is also a freelance Pro Wrestling Blogger and an all around fan of Sports, Movies Tv, Comics and Pro Wrestling

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