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Ultimate Black Panther #10 – Prison Break


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Do you trust the Sorcerer Supreme? Ultimate Black Panther #10 by Bryan Hill, Carlos Nieto, David Curiel & Cory Petit from Marvel Comics

Khonshu rallies his supporters – Ultimate Black Panther #9 by Bryan Hill, Stefano Caselli, David Curiel & cory Petit, Marvel Comi
T’Challa is stabbed with Anti-Vibranium – Ultimate Black Panther #8 by Bryan Hill, Stefano Caselli, David Curiel & cory Petit, Marvel Comics

War over Africa

Previously on Ultimate Black Panther, Ra and Khonshu have been ravishing all the countries surrounding Wakanda. Gathering followers and support to oppose the Black Panther. The war has raged for months at this point.


Khonshu has built an army that worships him as a god, thanks to the help of the Anti-Vibranium. T’Challa takes the fight against Khonshu and Ra in the frontlines. While Killmonger and Storm searched for the “Supreme Sorcerer”. They believe this Sorcerer would have the answers they seek about the mysteries of Vibranium, and it’s supposed twin.

A King’s Nightmare

Last time the Black Panther encounter Khonshu’s followers, one of them stabbed T’Challa with an Anti-Vibranium dagger. This gave the Black Panther a series of visions.

Unfortunately, were not completely clear, but one can assume, these visions showed where the Vibranium elements come from. Along with the visions, T’Challa can now feel the Vibranium around him. Even manipulate it to an extent.

*Spoilers for Issue #10*

T’Challa can feel Vibranium – Ultimate Black Panther #8 by Bryan Hill, Stefano Caselli, David Curiel & cory Petit, Marvel Comics

What do you know of Vibranium?

Issue #10 breaks with the Moon Knight running from the Black Panther. This was not a fight. Not even close. The Black Panther completely dominated Khonshu and ultimately killed the Moon Knight. Suddenly, a shadow figure appeared to the Black Panther.

This shadow challenges T’Challa’s kinghood and belittles him. They continued by questioning T’Challa’s knowledge and control of Vibranium. The Black Panther proclaimed he did not need Vibranium. However when he tried to remove his mask, he couldn’t. The Vibranium started to melt away his skin and then T’Challa woke up. It was just another nightmare.

Where the answers lie

Since T’Challa was stabbed with the Anti-Vibranium, he has been acting strangely. According to Ocoye, T’Challa has withdrawn from her, from Wakanda and even from his war with Khonsu and Ra.

Ocoye believes this has something to do with he’s nightmares. Same nightmares he’s not willing to talk about. Not even with Ocoye. Despise Ocoye’s concerns, T’Challa dismissed her by stating the King of Wakanda might have found the answers he’s looking for in his nightmares.

Broken out of Prison – Ultimate Black Panther #9 by Bryan Hill, Stefano Caselli, David Curiel & cory Petit, Marvel Comics

Inan, the god-killer

The boat was under attack out of nowhere. Killmonger and Ororo were in the line of fire and Killmonger got shot. Inan realized these attackers were enemies of hers, so she decided to deal with them. After the assailants are fed to a giant shark, Inan proceeded to heal Killmonger.

She felt guilty that her enemies caused Killmonger this harm. After the waters settle, Inan vows to join the cause for Wakanda’s survival. After all, the King of Wakanda is the reason she was freed from her prison.   

How about the Art?

Carlos Nieto has a serious element to his art style. Every scene and every moment feels charged. You can see the distrust in every character’s face and their demeanor. Everyone looks like their hiding something. Which plays exactly into what the story is about.

David Curiel complements the art very well with his color palette. There’s a lot of grey and darker tones in the backgrounds. But that feels intentional. When there are bright colors, it highlights the moment or the character even more. Giving the scene much more meaning.

I give this issue an 8.5 out of 10.

Finally, we get to know more about Earth-6160’s Sorcerer Supreme, Inan. I must admit, I was not ready for this Inan’s flair for the dramatics. This character will be a nice addition to the cast for contrast. Everyone is so intense and serious all the.

Meanwhile Inan is this ultra powerful being, who doesn’t take herself seriously. Also, T’Challa’s internal and external conflicts seem to be close to boil over. The return of Ororo and Killmonger to Wakanda will change the tide for the conflict. My only pet peeve with this series has been that it’s been a slow build. This issue most definitely picked up the paste.

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