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Venom War: It’s Jeff #1 – The Cutest Comic Out There


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Venom War: It’s Jeff #1:

If you guys know Jeff, he’s no normal Land Shark, he’s a good boy and this good boy is about to meet a symbiote …. or a few. In Venom War, we’ve seen the symbiotes battle it out, adding Zombiotes into the mix, which are people possessed and angry by bad symbiotes.


Now, this is a special issue, where Jeff hosts Venom, who we all know and love, and this half Land Shark, half symbiote will fight alongside Kate Bishop, Gwenpool and others to save a handful of infected humans, eat some chocolate and churros and more.

Credit: Marvel Ent

Creative Team:

Writer: Kelly Thompson

Artist: Gurihiru

Letters: VC’S Clayton Cowles

PUBLISHER: Marvel Comics

The Art:

Think Skottie Young and Chris Uminga, youthful, fun with hints of the Marvel legends we know and love.

i don’t know if it’s the new father in me or what, but I instantly resonated with this issue and how cute, fun and playful it was.

Jeff can only really say “Mrrr,” so the art is extremely important and you can feel the joy in this work.

I can only imagine the artist having fun and even laughing a bit with this one.

The Writing:

We all know Thompson always brings a unique approach. You’re never worried about our heroes in this one because this is not that kind of comic, but you feel the action, the jokes impact you and it’s just a blast.

You can see the inner discussions between Jeff and Venom, arguing over what goodies they get to eat at Coney Island, while the Young Avengers back Jeff up when he needs them most.

If I was a young kid first getting into comics, this is a great one to pick up. It stands on its own, has everything you want in a comic and can entice the reader into the rest of Venom War.

And don’t get me started on the Baby Shark cameo, Kelly had to go there!

Overall: 9/10

What can I saw, this book is adorable through and through. I loved it and can’t wait to read it to my 1-year-old baby boy. Do you think Venom will give him nightmares? Oh well, he’s a tough land shark, he’ll be fine.

Michael Rothman
Michael Rothman
Better known as “SuperheroTok” on TikTok, Michael is an Emmy Award winning entertainment reporter spending over a decade at ABC & Good Morning America, hosting shows like Inside Marvel! Michael brings his unique vision and passion to TikTok, where he also hosts “Shortboxed Presents,” a series focused on everything fans need to know about buying and selling comics in the grading age. He’s also a proud husband, and father to a little golden retriever.

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