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Uncanny X-Men #5 – A Mother’s Love


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Creative Team – Gail Simone(writer). David Marquez(artist). Matthew Wilson(color artist). VC’s Clayton Cowles(letterer). David Marquez & Matthew Wilson(cover artists). Javier Garrón & Jesus Aburtov, Luciano Vecchio, Marcus To & Erick Arciniega, Yasmine Putri(variant cover artists).

Published by Marvel Entertainment

Catch up with Uncanny X-Men #4!

Cover art by David Marquez & Matthew Wilson. Published by Marvel Entertainment

After that wild fourth installment of Uncanny X-Men, we start Uncanny X-Men #5 in a hauntingly calm setting with Rogue taking diction lessons for her heavy Mississippi accent. But after seeing Rogue get frustrated at her attempts of trying to sound more dignified, we’re immediately taken back to the fight between her and Sarah. Gail Simone has a way of shocking you with flashbacks in this run, and the flashbacks scenes are used remarkably. With a bloody Rogue laying on the ground, trying to will herself to get up, you’re truly put into the headspace that this is over for her.

Meanwhile, back at the Haven, Gambit, Wolverine, Jubilee, Nightcrawler, and the new young mutants are all preparing themselves to fight Sarah’s army. What I really enjoyed about this was hearing Jubilee’s perspective of the fight. It was a fresh look at how the battle was going and Jubilee didn’t sugarcoat it. While the team is in the fight of their lives, Rogue is visited by an very unexpected guest that gives her some answers she didn’t ask for, but she absolutely needed. I don’t want to give anymore than that away because it is so unexpected and beautifully handled.

Variant cover art by Luciano Vecchio. Published by Marvel Entertainment

The Writing

There were a lot of things I enjoyed about Uncanny X-Men #5. I really enjoyed the twist by Rogue’s surprise visitor as it was very unexpected and fit perfectly. It also added a whole new layer of depth to this comic run, which I didn’t think possible. Another thing I really liked was Jubilee’s point of view. While I do love Rogue’s point of view and Wolverine’s, it was a nice change of pace.

Yet again, Gail Simone gives me exactly what I want from an X-Men comic. The drama, the action, the relationships, all of it was excellent. Simone has a way with her writing that makes you feel every word she writes. I really can’t wait to see where else she takes Uncanny X-Men.

The Art and Letters

With David Marquez, Matthew Wilson, and Clayton Cowles putting their talents together, this was guaranteed to be a banger, and it absolutely was. I feel artists of Uncanny X-Men #5 matched Simone’s depth perfectly, with each artist complimenting the other.

Something that stuck out to me the most was Rogue’s piercing green-eyed stare. You could see the emotion she was experiencing perfectly portrayed in those panels. Another thing I liked was the abstracted backgrounds in the fight sequences that gave it a larger than life feeling.

Final Thoughts

The Uncanny X-Men comics are some of the ones I look most forward to coming out in the From The Ashes era, and for good reason. The creative team has done an excellent job with these characters and I can’t wait to read the next one.

10 out of 10

This review was written by Megan from the Vigilante Vibes Podcast. If you liked my review, be sure to check out my other reviews! Let me know what you think of Uncanny X-Men #5, or tell me what comics you’d recommend me trying out! Find me on my socials, and check out my Marvel podcast, Vigilante Vibes, by clicking here!

Megan Nichole
Megan Nichole
Megan from the Vigilante Vibes podcast, a nontoxic Marvel podcast that has the goal of spreading positivity and inclusiveness in the Marvel fandom. Group owner of The Nerd Haven on Facebook, a nontoxic nerd culture group of 50k+. Comic reviewer and asst. editor/ brand advisor for Nerd Initiative. Penguin enthusiast.

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