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ABSOLUTE BATMAN #2 by Scott SnyderNick DragottaFrank Martin, and Clayton Cowles (DC Comics)

The Gotham City you know no longer exists. In its’ wake is a whole new battleground for a bold dark knight. Bruce Wayne is not a rich playboy. He is a man with a new direction in serving justice. Evil has struck in a violent fashion. Now, it’s time for the Bat to strike back!

ABSOLUTE BATMAN #2 by Scott Snyder, Nick Dragotta, Frank Martin, and Clayton Cowles leads readers into the unpredictable world of chaos and choice.

This book has the entire N.I. Bullpen buzzing! Teaming up for the first time on for this review is Matt (Hops Geek News/N.I. Editor), Yours truly (Ken – ODPH podcast/N.I. editor In Chief) and …THE G.E.O. HIMSELF, Michael Rothman!!!!

Let’s take a deeper dive into the latest chapter. *** POSSIBLE SPOILER WARNING ***



Snyder keeps readers on the edge with a Batman who is anything but predictable. The manner in which he handles the threat of the Party Animals is a more intense approach. Hitting the unstable army with a chemical onslaught is unapologetic in delivery. The fallout carries into his straight forward attempt to stop the Black Mask. It leads into a thunderous closing sequence.

This builds off the book’s strongest points: the character changes in the supporting cast. The dynamic between Wayne and Alfred is uneasy but offers a solid exchange. It is not the surreal “card game” seen earlier in the chapter. Readers will do a few double takes as seeing Bruce hang out with his “friends” feels different but mirrors the new stat quo.


Even with changes, Snyder’s writing brings out the classic Bat overtones like no one else. It leaves a massive impression as where things lead now is wide open. The only certainty is the imaginative take wins another round in its’ growing legacy.


I really like how Scott delivers this issue from a third-person perspective in narration from Alfred, who is watching and observing much like we, the audience, are. We’re seeing Batman from a third party instead of Bruces. Despite that we are seeing what we have always known about Batman which is that he is an unstoppable force that will go to any lengths to complete his mission.

One thing that sticks out is that Scott remembers to remind us that this is a green Batman, as he does not back down, which leads him to a problem with the Party Animals. Don’t worry there is still plenty of humor as Bruce made sure all of his hideouts were in the shape of the bat symbol which is just such a Batman thing to do.


It’s hard to say it any better than Ken, but I’ll do my best Dick Grayson and be the Absolute Robin to his incomparable Batman. From the opening panel, Snyder’s got you hooked and the issue plays more like a cinematic trilogy than a comic in the best possible way.

Alfred, narrating the action, along with his feelings about this fearless, unstoppable juggernaut of an anti-hero, is handled to perfection as he states things only an oversee could say. Even he’s shocked at the brutality of this Bane-like Batman, someone who never relents and never surrenders. Trust me when I say Batman AF will be a trending hashtag by the end of the week. IFYKYK.


The world of Absolute Batman is quite simply a prism shift from the Gotham we’ve known for almost a century. Like Ken said, “friends” we’ve never expected, deep down with similarities to their iconic pasts, but fro a different angle and perspective. Man, I can only imagine the fun Snyder is having playing with all these wonderful toys – one in particular that will take your breath away.



Dragotta and Martin pull no punches with Batman’s fighting. The altercation at the Aquarium intensifies with each panel. How Batman uses his cape continues to steal panels. Readers will be impressed with a half page image that showcases the Bat watching overhead. This gets quickly upstaged by a skyscraper becoming a warning to the city. Its a fantastic panel that reflects the new stat quo of Bruce Wayne.

In-between the action, the more subtle moments of Bruce’s life win over readers. The card game carries a more light feel (even though business is brought up). The story doesn’t take long to get back to the full throttle action. In the closing events, a full page image of an iconic mobile takes an all new twist. This change catapults readers into the story’s next phase.



I feel a scene in this book captures Batman at his core. We see him standing toe-to-toe with a crowd of Party Animals, and we see this shot of knives sticking out of his back. Yet, he stands as determined as ever. Dragotta and Martin nailed this sequence and it deserves to be hung as a poster as it is absolutely gorgeous. Pair that with the skyscraper sequence and this book is just next level.

The added shot of the Batmobile in all its glory just leaves us cheering and smiling from ear to ear.


Are you kidding me with the skyscraper scene?!?! I want that original art on my wall right now. Batman AF for real! What can you say? Dragotta and Martin continue to pair epic these visuals with Snyder’s thrilling score and it works like nothing I’ve seen in years.

The text and the art just flow in such a way that gives you heart palpitations. And if Batman steamrolling his foes wasn’t enough to make you break a sweat while reading, the final page introduces a new twist on a classic and boy oh boy is this one going to rock readers.


Ken: 9.7.

Two issues in and the world of Bruce Wayne has never been more complex and explosive. Snyder’s writing shifts gears to bringing the detective side of business into the forefront. Dragotta and Martin leave no questions as Batman’s quest for vengeance grows with each panel. The new landscape continues to lock readers in for the long haul.


Matt: 10/10.
We are two issues in, and maybe I have rose-colored glasses on but Absolute Batman is continuing to craft a unique story and new mythos behind the Bat-Symbol while still keeping who he is and what he stands for at heart. It’s brutal; this issue is Batman as a tank that will stop at nothing, and we, along with Alfred, just marveling at it.

Michael: 10.

Maybe I’m caught up in all the Absolute Batman hype, but this issues just sings. Snyder and Dragotta are like Batman and Alfred as they quickly have adapted their writing and art styles to compliment the other in such flawless ways. The new twists, the backstory and so much more leaves the reader addicted and craving so much more. I got a fever and the only prescription is the next issue of Absolute Batman. I need it now!

Ken M.
Ken M.
Executive Producer/Host of the ODPH (Ocho Duro Parlay Hour) Podcast. Ken is also Nerd Initiative's Comics Editor-In-Chief/Brand Advisor and host of "Turn A Page". Ken is also a freelance Pro Wrestling Blogger and an all around fan of Sports, Movies Tv, Comics and Pro Wrestling

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